No Lunch Or Dinner

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S Y D N E Y •

It's been already been two weeks since I started working for him. I've mostly stayed in my room, and talked to Miss Gertrude and the other maids, whenever they came in for their jobs. It's really funny how everyone else comes in for work and goes everyday, but I'm forced to live with him. But, I didn't let that affect me, I completely avoided him. It's been good as long as it's not time for breakfast, lunch, dinner or he wants to start up a conversation during those periods. Other than that, he was a busy man, which deeply pleased me.

"What did you do today?" He asked as he briefly looked at me while he was having his dinner, but I remained quiet. I was gonna try his method of shutting someone up without speaking, since talking would only get annoying. It's like he thrives on my misery.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You look weird." He said, but I didn't care and continued, as long as I was getting a reaction from him. "Mrs Loren answer with words. That activity you're doing with you eyes and lashes, stop it" I still kept quiet, he deserved to feel how he made others feel. "Sid fucking talk already. Remember you're suppose to do what I say."

"Oh what is it? What, what do you want? You keep me here alone in this house with nothing to do, and you expect me to magically find something to do. I was on my bed doing nothing in this boring house. There, you're happy" I said to him. "You know I have a TV, I watch, and I also have a gym, and an indoor pool" he said while facing back to the meal infront of him.

"Okay. so what? can I use them whenever I'm bored?" I asked wondering what he was on about. "No. I just wanted you to know my house isn't boring. It's one of the best in the whole country". And at that moment I knew I would mash his handsome face in his food, if I didn't let out my anger. I look up at the ceiling with clinched and shaking fists then screamed.

But today was gonna be different, I already planned an outing with my friends for this evening. And, my dear employer already informed me, that he was going to be out late and you have no idea how much that made me happy. No lunch or dinner. He's eating out, I guess. The only thing I needed to do now was survive brunch.

"What is this called?" He asked as he looked at the meal on his plate unsure of what I had made. It's funny when I give him something new to eat, and he looks like I'm trying to poison him. "well, it's called 'Croque Monsieur' a French breakfast/ brunch. Basically, it's white sandwich breads with tiny slices of ham, shredded cheese, and a drizzle of creamy Bechamel sauce. Served with salad and wine." I said, clearly proud of myself. I freaking learnt it today, and I know it tasted amazing.

He hums, then proceedes to placing the food in his mouth. His brows rose and eyes widened as he munched. A smile crept on my face as I felt he liked it. He takes another bite after, and another, and I just couldn't wait to ask. "This was my first time making this, how is it?" He meets my gaze with the same expression and my smile widens. He took a sip of his wine before looking at me again to speak. His face back in it's normal emotionless form. "It's edible" he said then goes back to eating.

"Edible. Edible?" I asked unamused. "Yes it's eatable, safe to eat". He said looking at me like I didn't know what the word meant. "I know what it means. I just expected that you'd be grateful and maybe have something like amazing! Scrumptious, or finger licking good. But I was wrong. You never have anything good to say to anyone". He looked at me unbothered before he continued eating and clearly enjoying the food.


I was on my bed now, racking my head about what I was going to wear. I couldn't bother scattering my wardrobe to find something. So I looked at the ceiling and thought. Finally, I decided on a sweater calf length dress, long sleeves with opening at the back. Matched with black boots and a purse, I set them on the bed before taking a shower. After that, I did my little make up routine then got dressed. While I put on some more perfume, my phone buzzed due to texts from the group chat. I had added Dylan in my friends group chat, seen as he wanted to know my friends. Which led to him to planning a get together for all of us.

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