She's Off Limits

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S Y D N E Y •

It was a cool night, cool breeze and moonlight sipped into my room through the huge windows. The fact that it was just slightly cracked open made sleeping lovely. The harse storm earlier had managed to cause a power cut for some reason, but it didn't hinder the deep sleep I had managed to drift into. As about 10pm, I was already on my bed flipping through heated parts of a book, i was determined to finish in a week.

But atlas, my sleepy self gave in, and I sank deep into much needed rest. That was until, I heard sounds coming from Only God knows where in this darn gigantic house. The size of the house made it echo at times, and there being only two people in it who avoided each other didn't help matters.

I yawned and stretched as I got off the bed to give myself some energy, before I began the dreadful journey of finding the source of the sounds I was hearing. I tried looking for my phone, but I couldn't remember where I kept it. I could be so forgetful at times, I'm pretty sure, I'd lose my head if it weren't screwed on.

I put on my lace jacket and my soft bunny slippers, then used a scrunchy to hold up my hair in a ponytail. When I stepped out of my room, the hallway was barely visible and the sounds weren't audible anymore, which made it hard to pinpoint the direction. I walked down to Caleb's  thinking, it must be coming from his room or he could help out if it wasn't him. Maybe he called someone to do some repairs.

When I got to his door, I knocked on it but  he didn't answer. While I gave it a good banging just to upset him if he were actually in a deep sleep, I heard the sounds more audibly again, It seemed like someone was bumping into things, and breaking noises from objects followed. As I moved forward I also heard light footsteps.

I followed the sounds walking slowly ahead, letting the little light I could see help me manuvuer  my way. The footsteps seemed to be getting closer as I moved towards the sounds. My heart began to beat a little faster than normal and my footsteps also became slower as I pondered on what the hell was going on.

I kept on moving at the same pace, following the sounds of the footsteps since they seemed much closer. I  hoped it wasn't what I was thinking. I strained my eyes to see more, but I couldn't really see and tried to walk in a straight line. I began miss home almost immediately, at least Mr Collins barely had anything worth stealing.

My journey was cut short when my foot hit a cupboard in the hallway. "Fuck!" I cursed as I winced in pain grabbing onto my hurt foot.

"Sid is that you?" I heard a voice come out quiet and soft. "Yes" I muttered as I began to put a face to the voice. "I'm so glad it's you, I thought a thief got in or something" I said as I began to calm down out of relief. He moved closer to were I was, and grabbed on to me as I tried to stable myself. His arms grabbing around my back and unto shoulder.

"Yeah, well someone got in that's for sure, but are you okay?" He asked as he helps in putting my weight on him.  "You don't have to do this, You know?".  I said letting him know that I was alright. "Yeah, okay. You can walk?"

"I can walk fine. Do you have a torch light or your phone? We need some form of  light to be able to catch the intruder" I said so we could get to the bottom of the issue.

"There should be a torch in the kitchen. Gertrude keeps them in one of the lower cabinets I think" he said then he started moving leaving me to stumble in the dark from his absence. "You could have given me a heads up" I said as I followed behind him.

We both began making our way downstairs. I clung unto the railings like my life depended on it, steading my feet one step at a time. The sounds came again, and they  were even louder, leading me to believe it was definitely coming from the living room.

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