The move and the mysteries

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A/n okay towards the end when I give up on this, cuz lazy, there may or may not be a small with it

Your pov
Your parents had just packed your bags and sent you to live in Gravity Falls with your aunt for the next year, according to you. They sent you there for the summer but you wanted to just stay home and play games on your ps4. You were arguing with your mom and dad all the way until they dropped you off and left you at your aunts house.

Time skip brought to you by me being lazy.

It has been a week since the whole transfer dilemma. You were starting to get used to Gravity Falls and its weirdness. You had seen signs as you walked around town about this place called the Mystery Shack. "Auntie? Can we go to the Mystery Shack today?" You asked her as you sat down at the table for breakfast. "That place is for idiots who want to just throw away money. Why would you want to go there?" Your aunt said as she served you up some pancakes. "Well I just thought it would be a good idea for me to explore every inch of this town. Don't you?" You replied, taking a bite of pancake. "(Y/n)! You know its dangerous around this town. I don't feel like losing you to some bird and having to explain that to your parents. Besides you're too young to be going to weird places in this town," your aunt said and, without even glancing at you, "elbows off the table sweetie." You leaned back in your chair and looked up at her. "You seem to know a lot about this town huh?" You asked, trying to annoy her. "Course hun. Been living her for the past 3 years." She sat her self down with her own plate full of pancakey deliciousness. "Well if I can't explore then I will ask you the questions. All summer long." Your aunt froze. Got her! You thought, a smirk trying to fight its way onto your face. "Sweetie why would you do that? There isn't really much to tell you about this place." Your mouth gaped open. "We could be going back and forth like this all day though huh?" You aunt gave you a tired look. "Course auntie!" She sighed. "If I take ya, will I get to relax today?" You nodded. "Please? It would mean the world to me if you took me there." You said in your most adorable way possible. "Fine. After breakfast." Your aunt gave in. You were restless as you finished your pancakes, put the plate in the sink, and raced upstairs to get dressed. You slapped on a (f/c) t-shirt that said 'keep calm and game on', a pair of red shorts and your (f/c) converse. You bounced down the stairs and waited for your aunt to finish her breakfast. "You sure are eager huh?" You heard your aunt say, as well as the sound of a chair being moved. "I just really want to get there." You replied, a huge smile plastered on your face. You aunt walked to the entry hall, slipped on her shoes, grabbed her purse, and opened the door. You bolted right out that door and stood outside of the car door. Your aunt sure did take her sweet time locking he door and making her way to the car. She got in, unlocked the doors, and started the car. All the while you were sitting eagerly in your seat, rolled down the window, blasted the radio, and gave a look to your aunt that said 'hurry please'.

Timeskip brought to you by tomboyness

The second the car stopped you were unbolting the seat belt and opening the door. You looked up at the Mystery Shack and all your energy was drained. "Not as exciting as you hoped?" Your aunt questioned. "Welp, don't judge a book by its cover, huh?" You said as you headed to the gift shop. A little bell chimed as you opened the door and walked in. You looked back to see your aunt staying at the car. You headed forward and looked around. "Mabel! Stop!" You heard someone say from beind the employees only door. A kid, looking about the same age as you, came bursting through the door and hid behind a shelf. You took a step forward and noticed what he was wearing. He wore an orange t-shirt with a blue vest, grey shorts, and a blue and white pine tree hat. You headed towards him. "He-." You began but were cutoff by another sound at the employees only door. "Dipper where are you? I have new make up stuff to try!" You heard a female voice say. You took one look at the boy infront of you and nodded. You were going to help him. You headed towards the sound of the voice. "Are you looking for someone?" You asked the, apparently, 14 year old girl. She had a pink sweater with a shooting star on it, a pinkish skirt, black flats and shin-high socks. "Yea my brother, Dipper. He is wearing an orange t-shirt, blue vest, grey shorts, and a blue and white hat with a pine tree. You seen him?" She asked. "He went that way." You said, motioning outside. "Thanks!" She said and ran outside and out of sight. "Thank you for that." Dipper said as he came back from behind the shelf. "Don't sweat it. Names (Y/n)." You said, holding out your hand. "Dipper." He said, shaking your hand. "I take it you play games? And.... don't like make up?" You nodded. "Yea... well yes and no. I'm a gamer, yes, but I also have a girl side. Tomboy girly girl mix really." You smiled. "Guess I came here at the right time though huh?" Dipper nodded. "Without you, I would be dragged in there," he pointed to the employees only door, " dragged into Mabel's room and covered in makeup." You laughed. "I understand that. Whenever my mom has her sisters come over, they bring their 7 year old daughters. I get doomed." You both stood their talking about stories of bein forced with makeup and laughing at each others stories. "Welp I better be going-." You began but was interrupted. "So you've formed an alliance?!"

A/n: sorry if its short I got bored.

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