This Little Angel

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A/n ariaphantom offered a suggestion for me so I am going to do it and make an extra long chapter making up for not updating for 2 days even though I said I would. Also if you have time, check out my youtube? It is Thunderstar1101TheShroomQueen. I am starting to get better at things and thats where the things go. :3 You don't have to check it out if you don't want to but I would appreciate it! Anyways, I'm babbling! On to the story!

You played about 15 games and lost every time! After about the 4th game you fell off the couch and hadn't picked yourself up yet. "I give up!" You whined, throwing the controller across the floor. "Aww! One more game?" Bill asked. You glanced at the clock. 12:48, it read. "I better be gettin to bed." You yawned, stretching and getting up. "Fine." Bill grumbled, putting his controller on your head. You put the game and controllers away, threw away every wrapper, recycled every bottle, and stumbled upstairs. You made your way in your room and face planted on the bed.


You blinked open your eyes to hear voices downstairs. "Aye sir!" You heard, muffled by the room and floor distance. You got up and fell downstairs. You got up off the floor and looked in the living room. "FIRE DRAGON...ROAR!" You heard from the tv. You saw blonde hair poke out from the top of the couch. You crept forward and stood behind the couch. You brought your fist up above your head and swung down at the head on the couch. "Oww!" You heard him yelp. "That's for watching without me!" You snapped. "I love Fairy tail!" You jumped over the back of the couch and landed next to Bill. "This is only the 34th episode." Bill stated. "Don't care. I want to watch." You growled. You stared at the screen. 'Tick tock. Tick tock. The clock is ticking (Y/n). You need to hurry.' A voice you didn't recognize spoke up. You blinked. "My auntie!" You yelped, jumping to your feet. "What about her?!" Bill said, a little startled from when you jumped. "Its been three days! She should've been back by now!" You raced back to your room and grabbed your phone from under your pillow. You quickly dialed the number and bit your lip. 'Hello young (Y/n). I see you figured out that your aunt was missing. If you even think about calling the cops, well things might get a little Bloody with your aunt. Understand? I hope you unravel the mystery before you try to get her back. If not, you will never see her again.' The answering machine beeped and you hung up. You grabbed your pillow and buried your face in it. You took a deep breath and screamed into your pillow. "You okay?" Bill asked from the doorway. You got up and glared at him. "Would I be screaming if I was?" You snarled, pushing past him and bolting downstairs. "Listen, I have to go and when I- if I come back you better not be here." You said, putting on your shoes and racing out the door. Who could help me? You thought as you stood in the front lawn. Pines! You mewed in your head and ran towards the mystery shack.


You knocked on the front door and bit your lip. The door opened and you saw Stan standing there. "May I come in? Its urgent." You said, tapping your foot. Stan moved out of the way and you stepped into the living room. "Hey (Y/n)!" Mabel said from the arm of the chair. "Wheres Dip Dop?" You asked. You heard footsteps come from a room and you saw Dipper holding some popcorn. "Right here." He said, sitting down on the other arm of the chair. "I need your help! My aunts been kidnapped and I can't go to the cops or else she will be killed! I can't do it alone and I thought you guys would help cuz we're friends." You blurted out. "What!?" The three of them said, staring at you. You nodded. "So are you going to help me or do I have to fight at least 3 guys twice my size?" You asked, worried they would say no. "Of course we'll help you! Right guys?!" Mabel cheered. "Right!" Dipper said, looking at Stan. "Yeah, okay." He said.

Dipper's Pov (first pov change! Yay!)

I looked over at (Y/n), seeing the worry and fear in her (e/c) eyes. "Don't worry! We'll find her and save her, okay?" I reassured her. "Thanks Dip Dop!" She cheered, hugging me. "Okay, so bro bro? Whats the first thing to finding something or someone?" Mabel asked, looking from me to (Y/n) and back. (Eat a sandwich! Duh Mabel!) "We look for clues and evidence." I explained. "Well I got is the answering machine from the people." (Y/n) said, holding her phone. "Lets hear it." I said. She nodded and dialed a number. 'Hey this is Jessica! Sorry I can't come to the phone right now, I am a little wrapped up. Please save me a message. And try again later! ' The answering machine answered. "They changed it." Mabel said, looking at (Y/n). "Wait. 'Can't come to the phone right now. I am a little wrapped up. Please save me.' Don't you get it? She is trying to say something!" (Y/n) mewed, trying to untangle the message. I nodded. "Yea, but it isn't much help." I said, disapointed. "At least its something!" Mabel chirped, trying to keep things cheery. "Exactly! Maybe if we call her later there with be another hint." (Y/n) said, her finger tapping her chin.

Death, Demons, and Angels (Human Bill cipher x Hybrid reader) {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now