What's reality?

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A/n; It's a holiday and I spent most of it with my senpai :3 Soo I decided to update for you cuz I was happy. Be Doop be Doop Banana Bus!

Your pov

I blinked, and turned towards the voice. Greg was looking hopefully at me. "What?" I breathed. He gently tilted his head. "We don't have anywhere to stay. Its been hard for me." He whispered. I gasped, my eyes watering a bit more than they were already. "You can stay with me, its amazing you made it this far." I quietly mewed. He nodded and we all left the room. Bill told the doctor and they had a conversation about something. I heard a door open and close behind me. Goldielocks and the doctor turned towards it and the doctors eyes widened. I turned around and got tackled in a hug. Bill floated over, not caring about being seen, and pried the blob off of me. At least he tried.

"Could get off of her?" He asked. "Sounds like someone is jealous, huh one eye?" It taunted. "Well, she has kissed me and not you, so I have every right to be jealous. You purple-eyed freak." Bill hissed. I looked over at the thing clinging to my back, or the person. "He's no-" My voice trailed off once I realised who was behind me. "WHAT!?!?!" I screeched. Greg jumped and turned to me. He opened his mouth to say something, but soon gave up and tackled his sister off of my back. "Sis! I missed you!!" He cheered. I saw the smile grow on her face.

"You should be dead, why aren't you?" Bill asked, clearly not caring. "I don't agree with the should be but how?" I looked at her. Misty picked up her brother and put him on her shoulders. "Oh? I was dead? Right! Demon, duh!... I mean I am always dead but, I couldn't die. I had a family to take care of-" She stopped mid-sentence. "Senpai!" She whispered quietly. Greg tilted his head again from her shoulders. Misty put him down and snuck up behind Robbie, who was talking with the twins.

She crouched down a bit and jumped on his back, scaring the three of them. Mabel was squealing and jumping up and down while Dip's jaw was dropped low. I could tell Robbie was terrified at first but slowly calmed down when he figured out who it was. "Yo-you're alive?" Dipper asked.

I could see a nod come from Misty as she climbed off of Robbie. I shrugged and dragged Bill over to them. "Syrups, is the thing still on for tonight?" I asked, with a wink. "What thing?" Misty squeaked, grabbing Robbie's arm. We all nodded. "You'll find out tonight, at the shack." Mabel explained.

(Time skip brought to you by Mini Ladd saying hayy)

Greg spent his time with the twins while Misty spent time.with me and Bill. Whenever Goldielocks looked away or went to do something, Misty.would try to make moves on me or give me googly eyes. Bill hated her guts I could tell. I didn't care if they got along, I cared if they killed each other. I glanced at the clock. It read: 5:48. "Goldilocks get ready." I said as I dragged Misty up the stairs into my room. "What's going on?" She asked, calm for a bigger and more hyped version of Syrups. I shook my head and threw a pair of Pjs at her. It was a tye-dye tank-top that said 'Namast'ay in bed' and a pair of pac-man bottoms. I grabbed my (f/p/j) and pushed into the bathroom to change. Strange thing is she never moved on her own.

Misty's pov (short though :/)

"What's going on? I asked, trying to understand this. I felt a pain in my gut and my vision blurred. Instead of (Y/n)-San's room it was an open field. All my friends were there but they were crying? I walked towards their little huddle to find (Y/n)-San all bloody and dead. I froze. This can't be right! Its just me being paranoid. Right? I thought. I blinked back to reality to find myself in her bathroom. In my hands was a pair of Pjs and a note that said put these on. I shrugged and did as I was told.

A/n: I tried to be sad but I didn't like it soo I brought her back again. Reader-Chan you are in for something though :3 Though please tell me what you think and what you kinda want to happen. Thunder out, Love!

Death, Demons, and Angels (Human Bill cipher x Hybrid reader) {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now