Chapter One

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In the depths of my subconscious, a figure emerged from the darkness, illuminated by the fiery glow of his golden eyes. Every intricate detail of his face etched itself vividly into my memory as I began to paint the scene in front of me. His strong features emitted an enigmatic aura, complemented by his disheveled, jet-black hair that fell into his captivating eyes. However, it was the pulsating rune engraved on his chest that stole my breath away.

It shimmered in a deep black and emitted a supernatural radiance that cut through the abyss like a guiding light. My focus was fixated on the glowing rune, and a searing, excruciating pain pulsated through my temples. Hidden within the shadows of the intricate rune was the outline of a moon. It was subtle, almost imperceptible at first, but as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the shadows, I saw it more clearly. The way it was hidden within the shadows of the rune made it appear as though it was a secret, something that only those who knew where to look could find. The rune seemed to pulse with a life of its own, emanating a sense of raw power that hummed through the very air around us.

The air crackled with a palpable urgency as the man stepped into the room. Deep down, I could sense that he was destined to be my evermate; it resonated to the very depths of my being. When I saw visions of this man, his abilities danced around me, electricity dancing across my skin at the proximity of our souls.

Shadows danced and whispered mournfully, their voices rising to a painful crescendo that made me flinch. His piercing golden gaze locked onto mine, delving into the depths of my soul with unwavering intensity.

He opened his mouth to speak, yet no words escaped his lips. The atmosphere thickened with anticipation, as waves of frustration melded with a silent yearning.

The pain intensified, forming an orchestra of torment that reverberated through my entire being, yet I couldn't tear my gaze away.

And then, just as suddenly as he had appeared, he was gone, leaving me breathless and yearning for more of him. The shadows whispered, but I couldn't hear their words over the thundering of my own heart. It was clear to me that this man was more than just a vision; he was my destiny, my evermate.

Startled, I opened my eyes, my gaze fixated on the canvas perched above me. As I became aware of my surroundings, I realized that I must have lost consciousness. My back ached from the uncomfortable pressure of the hardwood flooring, and my muscles protested painfully as I struggled to sit up. With a groan, I rubbed the back of my neck, stretching and massaging the tension knots until they dissipated.

I was struck by how much the canvas resembled the enigmatic stranger that had left such a powerful impression on my soul. The painting seemed to almost come alive, with his intense eyes gazing out at me with all the passion and fire that I had felt at that moment.

The rune on his chest practically glowed from the canvas, pulsating with a power so tangible that I could feel it radiating off the painting. Every detail was painstakingly perfect, from the subtle crescent moon to the deep black shadows that surrounded the rune.

It wasn't the first I had drawn of the golden-eyed man, and I was sure it wouldn't be the last. I believed it was a sign from the Goddesses that I needed to find him, but after this last vision, I was sure he wanted to find me, too. He had never tried to speak to me before, never noticed me. But this time was different.

I knew the Goddesses were showing me my evermate for a reason, but I had bigger, more personal priorities on my plate that needed to come first before finding the man that I seemed to be soul-bound to. As I gazed at my collection of old canvases, I couldn't help but notice the recurring themes in some of my paintings. It was as though my visions were on a loop, endlessly repeating themselves, and as a result, my artwork often bore striking similarities. The memory of my most recent never-ending vision came flooding back to me - it was while I was delicately painting the intricate swirls of a willow tree. My mother had once told me that the same willow tree I was painting existed in the Sun and Moon realm, where we went to offer our prayers to the Goddesses.

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