Chapter Six

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The sun set, and I could feel the vibrancy as I immersed myself in the human world completely. The moon goddess looked down at all of us, providing enough light for us to see as we rejoiced in our freedom. A wave of excitement and nerves washed over me. Every move felt like I was connected with the grass beneath me, feeling the soft greenery beneath my toes.

I approached the laughter and cheers that echoed through the town, and I wanted to join them. Was that appropriate? Was this only for the humans who knew each other? I took a deep breath, ignoring the indecision floating through my mind. When I was young, we would host dances, but as I grew older and my mother had grown colder due to the threats reigning our realm, the grand balls were replaced by celebratory declarations of death sentences as my mother exercised her true power before the realm.

I could feel Coda's comforting presence near me, and I relished it. "We should dance," I said, barely loud enough over the rhythmic beats and contagious energy that began to envelop my soul. Each passing second invigorated my body. Observing the groups of humans around us, they were all so different. Old and young, man and woman—all were unified by this sense of freedom.

With each tentative step, I began to feel the music flow through my veins, igniting a newfound confidence within me. As the music intensified, so did my desire to let loose and express myself without inhibition. I lost myself in the exhilaration, surrendering myself to the rhythm and embracing the joy of movement.

I connected with Coda, holding his hands as we began to dance together. He spun me around as we grinned ear to ear. Swept up in the passion, we were each transferred to other dance partners. Without words, I began sharing nods, exchanging smiles, and communicating through the universal language of dance.

As one of the songs began to subside, my eyes caught Coda's as we dispersed from the crowd, a feeling of contentment washing over me. A human carrying drinks on a tray approached us. "Drink?" She grinned at each of us.

"Two, please," I smiled.


I quickly glanced over at Coda and blinked at him. Did we manage to get those?

"We don't need them." His pupils dilated, his voice seeping out like honey that I almost joined the woman in the trance.

"Here you go!" She grinned, throwing Coda a wink as she handed him two drinks.

Coda gave me one of the drinks in his hand. "Humans are so kind," I insisted.

Coda eyed the drink carefully, and we both smelled it first. It emitted a strong aroma that hinted at the potency concealed within its depths. The red liquid shimmered under the moonlight, beckoning me to take a sip and discover its intensity.

With subtle trepidation, I raised the glass to my lips, feeling the coolness of the glass against my fingertips. As the first drop touched my tongue, a burst of flavor exploded in my mouth, overwhelming my senses. A strong burning sensation danced on my taste buds, leaving a tingling sensation. Embers glowed in my belly.

The initial kick caught me off guard, but I couldn't help but appreciate the depth and intensity the drink offered. "Aurora," Coda warned. "This is like soma." I nodded. Soma was a potent fermented juice drink for our kind. I had only allowed myself to have it a few times. I always had to keep my senses sharp, especially with my mother around. But, for once, I wanted to let my barrier fall.

I can still remember the last time I had soma, offered to me by one of the townsfolk during a celebration. It looked innocent enough, but Zion had warned me about the dangers of the drink. However, my curiosity had gotten the better of me, and I drank it quicker than I should have. It wasn't long before the effects of it hit me. My head felt foggy, and I struggled to keep my balance. I tried to make my way back to Zion's side, but it was as if the ground was shifting beneath my feet.

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