Chapter Seven

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I lay awake, staring at the ceiling while Coda's soft snores sounded in the bedroom next to mine. I couldn't stop my thoughts from racing. I tried to wrap my head around our escaping Alyanthi, but it didn't feel real yet. It felt like only a matter of time before I would be ripped away from this dream, but as I pinched myself, I knew it was as real as it was going to get.

Fear coursed through me at the thought of what Hedrick was up to right now. Was he killing all Firebornes who had seen me flee? I wouldn't put it past him to murder every person who had simply been in proximity of our castle that day. My mother would help him, too. I pushed away the guilt. I knew he would do anything to ensure I was within arm's reach, where he could use me and my power for his own gain.

I am not responsible for their actions.

Sighing, I closed my eyes once more. I slowed and steadied my breathing, and after a few moments, I peeked one eye open to see the Sun Goddess had no intention of rising early today. Sliding quietly out of my bed, I peeked back at Coda who was in the bed next to mine with his mouth hanging open. I smiled, grateful he at least was able to sleep.

I wore a silky black button-up pajama set, and I figured it was good enough to wear around the town for a midnight stroll. Grabbing the key off the nightstand, I walked to the end of the hallway and unlocked the door with the key that sent me down a black, metal spiraling set of stairs to the outside.

The cool night air embraced me with a gentle caress. The world seemed still and hushed, with only the distant sound of crickets and the soft rustling of leaves. The luminous moon cast an ethereal glow upon the sidewalk, guiding my steps.

Strolling along a dimly lit street, my eyes caught sight of a figure in the distance, moving towards the forest. I froze. Could it be one of my mother's soldiers? Or worse, my mother or Hedrick, maybe a Reverie? Squinting my eyes, it looked like a man, his tall silhouette shrouded in shadows. I didn't feel the familiar sense of danger or edginess I normally felt. I didn't know whether to blame it on the soma that could still be in my system or fate, but either way, my legs moved of their own accord. I approached, cautious yet curious. My heart fluttered with apprehension.

As I drew closer, the familiarity struck me once more. Kyan's dark hair framed his chiseled face, and his icy, captivating eyes glimmered with intrigue. Time suspended as we stood face to face in the midnight silence. He tilted his face to look at me, and a small gasp escaped my lips.

"Why are you here?" I demanded, trying and failing to sound threatening. My voice had come out more timidly than I hoped.

"I could ask you the same thing," he murmured nonchalantly.

"Are you about to disappear from thin air again?" I narrowed my eyes, snapping out of my trance. I took a step backward. He raised a brow but did not respond. Frustration built up inside me as I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to touch him again. To feel his hands intertwined with mine.

When he at last spoke, his rich, velvety voice took me by surprise. "Your boyfriend doesn't seem to like me very much."

I burst out laughing. "You don't seem like the type of person to care what others think of you."

Kyan shrugged. "I don't. I didn't want to ruin the party with his head on a stake out of a jealous rage."

My eyes widened at the sudden mention of violence. I got the sudden urge to show him what I was capable of. "Not only would you not be able to accomplish that, but I never would've allowed you to come close," I growled fiercely.

He perked a brow.

"What are you?" I demanded. There was no doubt he was an Alyanthian, but which realm was he a part of?

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