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Based on a tiktok of Danny upset over a sad dog video, if you guys haven't seen it, watch it rn.

They are already dating in this story, and Arny lives with him because I said so.


Danny was sitting on the couch waiting for Arny to return from work so they could eat dinner together. Danny sighed and pulled out his phone, and scrolled through tiktok. You could say he's addicted to that app.

Danny liked a few videos every now and then before he came upon a tiktok about a dog. He watched as the dog got put down and how the young girl cried and prayed for the animal. "I'll miss you, Sherlock!" The small girl sobbed.

Danny's lipped quivered. He scrolled through the comments as a few tears slipped from his eyes. "Fuck.." He muttered as he wiped a tear.

Danny began to film,"Hey guys.. Can we stop making sad videos about our dogs?" He snifled and finished filming. He posted and immediately started getting comments. He looked through them as the tears continued to fall.


Arny. Somebody get Arny.

Where's Arny when u need him?

.....Danny are you off your meds again?

Danny sighed and stopped looking at the comments. He really did want Arny right now. Danny sniffled as he wiped another tear. He went into their bedroom and cuddled with Uki.

Danny pets Uki quietly sobbing. "Please don't ever grow old." Uki licked the tall male. Danny hiccups as Arny walks into their bedroom.

Arny's eyes widen,"Danny..?" The blonde man looked up at him and wiped his eyes,"You're home!" Arny cocked his brow,"I am. Are you just going to ignore the fact that I come home to you crying your eyes out and clutching to Uki..?"

Danny stands up and walks into the kitchen, hiccuping once more,"I saw a tiktok of a dog passing.. It's just so sad because that's going to happen to Uki eventually. " Danny frowned as a few more tears escaped.

Arny smiled slightly,"Love, you still have many years with Uki. Enjoy it and don't stress over that, okay?" Arny had Danny sit on the counter as he put his hand on his thigh. "Please don't stress it."

Danny nodded," Yeah, but.." Danny fades out. "But what?" Arny questions. Danny shrugs unsure. "I'll just miss her." Arny walks to the fridge,"I know. That's why you need to spend time with her now." Danny jumps off the counter.

"Yeah, you're right." Arny stands on his tip toes and wipes the younger boys' tears. "Thanks.." Danny mumbled. "Anything for you." Arny smirked.

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