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Pete smirked as he pushed the two boys into the closet," You guys can come out when you're done fighting!" Arny groaned in annoyance.

Danny and Arny have been arguing over every little thing for the past couple of days, and Pete was over it. "Shit, Shit, shit." Danny mumbled.

Arny rolled his eyes and sat in the small corner of the closet. Danny, on the other hand, began pushing and hitting the door. "What the fuck, Pete!" Danny yelled.

Arny sighed," Danny, stop your giving me a headache." Danny slid down the door and sat,"I'm not the reason we're in here."

"Stop being so fucking stuck up. We're both the reason." Arny mumbled. Danny hesitated. "I'm sorry for being bitchy I've just been pissed off recently." Danny scooted closer to Arny.

Arny nodded," 'm sorry too." Arny stared at Danny watching as the blond stared at the dark floor.

Danny suddenly flipped over and put one knee on each side of Arny's leg.  Danny smirked as he pinned Arny's arms above his head.

Arny chuckled at Danny,"I like that you think you're in charge here." Danny cocked his brow, "It looks like I am, does it not?"

Arny hums in response as Danny leans down to kiss the shorter boy. Danny frees Arnys hands and holds himself up with one hand, and holds Arnys face in the other.

Arny smirked into the kiss and quickly flipped on top of Danny, now pinning his wrist down.

Arny slowly made his way down to Danny's neck. "Arny.." Danny whimpered. Arny began to leave bruises down the younger boys neck.

"F-fuck.. We're going to get caught.." Danny stuttered. Arny chuckled," You didn't seem to care about that 5 minutes ago."

"Mm..Arny, please." Danny mumbled. Arny glances up at him as he continues to attack his neck. "Please, what?"

Danny let out a whimper as the shorter boy continued to tease him. "Dont be to loud, baby."

"HOLY FUCK. I WANTED YOU GUYS TO STOP FIGHTING NOT START FUCKING" Pete screamed while holding the door open. Arny loosened his grip on the taller boy. "We weren't fucking..yet"

Pete made a face of disgust as Danny covered his face. Arny helped Danny up and Pete rolled his eyes.

"At least we're getting along." Danny whispered.


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