My dearest, Kaveh.

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Kaveh sat in his room, on a chair from fir wood, thinking about a project he was working on. From time to time he was drinking some black coffee, but still couldn't come up with anything. Something, or really someone, was taking his mind away from work. Alhaitham, his roommate, two weeks ago went away for research adventure with Cyno. They went to the Desert of Hadramaveth with two help teams. Kaveh knew that Alhaitham was strong, and definitely strong enough to take care of himself in the desert, especially with Cyno, but he felt something wrong. It wasn't worry, it was something different. Did he missed the guy he always said he hates? Well, maybe. He didn't pay attention to this feeling for a long time, he thought it's probably just because of how quiet the house is now, without the arguing or even the simplests breaths Alhaitham did. Of course, Kaveh didn't complain about having some time alone - he could do things that Alhaitham normaly told him to stop. Just like, whistling. All the time when Kaveh even tries to whistle, Alhaitham tells him to stop. He says that the whistle sounds makes his ears bleed - Kaveh didn't understand, because Alhaitham always have his earphones, maybe his roommate just wanted to complain about another small thing Kaveh made. Why he can hear Kaveh whistle with them, but not when he tells him to do the dishes? Yeah, that's why now, when Alhaitham isn't at home, Kaveh whistle all the time, mostly when working - it helps him focus. He tried whistling now, to come up with some idea for a project, but when he whistled he thought about Alhaitham telling him to stop, and he stopped, even though he didn't need to. And then this strange feeling grew bigger. At this time, he forget about the project and drank all of his coffee, so he gets up and went to the kitchen. He tried to stop thinking about the younger man, but everything reminded Kaveh about Alhaitham. His books being all over the bookshelfs, his mug in the kitchen - and the fact, that, it was.. well, Alhaitham's house. And by the time Kaveh tried to find something to think about that wasn't Alhaitham related, he heard a door bell.
"Who could it be? Everyone should now that Alaitham is not present now." Should he even open? He did not want people to know he was living with Alhaitham. If anybody asks, he will just say he's.. taking care of the plants under his absence.
Kaveh quickly came to the door, and by the small window in them, he saw some black cat ears. He opened the door and saw a short girl in blue uniform, with a letter.

- Hello! Are you Mister Kaveh?

- Yes, that's me?

- Hello! I'm Kirara from the Komaniya Express and I have letter from the Acting Grand Sage under this adress.

- Oh really? From Alhaitham?

- Yes! Please sign up there and.. there!

Kaveh sign up the papers with his messy handwritting and took the letter from Kirara. They both nodded as a goodbye and the cat girl ran in jumps to another house. Kaveh then came back to the house and sat in his room, forgetting about the coffee he brew.
The back of the letter indeed said, "From The Acting Grand Sage, Alhaitham" to "Kaveh". He thought to himself "Did something happend to him? Is he alright? What if he's hurt?" and similar. For context, Alhaitham never send letters to Kaveh when he went on an adventure. He actually never recived a single letter for him. He was really scared about what was in the letter.

After, maybe, four minutes as he was staring at the letter, Kaveh finally opened it. The frist three words he read made his heart beat faster.

"My dearest Kaveh"

But it wasn't the normal "my dearest.." it came with a comma in the middle of a phase.

"My dearest, Kaveh."

He starred for another minutes at this, thinking. The comma change the meaning of the words. "Did he intend this?" Kaveh thought. "It must be a mistake!" But maybe it isn't? It was "My dearest, Kaveh" with a comma after dearest. He quickly read the rest of the letter. It says about the fact that their adventure will take more time then they supposed. After the long wall of text, at the very bottom, the was some short text. Kaveh didn't paid attention to it. It was really small and on top of it was a big navy blue ink stain. Even if he really tried, he couldn't read it. It was a mashup of letters that didn't make sanse to him. He read it again, and again, thinking. He felt that again, the feeling - not a worry, but a missing. Did he really missed Alhaitham? He couldn't. Everyday he said if he could, he would move out. But did he really mean it? He thought for a little and fastly stand up. He took a piece of paper into his hand and a pen, and started writing. When he ended, he tried to find an envelope. He made a mess on his workplace, and by looking everywhere - he make the letter fell. He picked it up and saw the little letters at the bottom and tried to read them. But he couldn't. He turned it around and saw print of the letters that made sense.

"My dearest, Kaveh.
I miss you."

When he read it, he couldn't believe for a second. This feeling again - the same as the frist time he read the letter. Did he really missed him? That made Kaveh pick up pen again and put a comma in the middle of the frist three words of his letter.

"My dearest, Alhaitham."

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