Calm Before The Storm

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Claire had gone to the coffee house she had been working at lately and spent time with Michael. Despite her brother's warning, she still cared for him and needed a break. Helena happened to be there. She waved at her to come over. Claire sat down at her table, "Guess you thought the same thing." Claire sighed, "Yeah, I'm just exhausted preparing for this upcoming mission and have been spending time with Michael despite what my brother says about him." Helena sipped her coffee, "Claire, despite what your brother says, your opinion matters the most." Claire smiles, "Thanks, but why are you so understanding." Helena smiles, "Trust me, I know what it's like to be judged by people on who you're seeing and for people not to give you a chance to be heard." Claire smiled, "is that what happened to you?" Helena nodded, "My reputation wasn't exactly great. When I transferred to DSO, people did whatever they could to push me out. It was half the time the others were looking at me or talking about me behind my back without getting to know me." Claire sighed, "Gosh, I can't imagine what that must have been like." Helena nodded, "It was horrible for me, and it was hard for me because I felt alone, and it got so bad that I tried to kill myself, but I know if it hadn't been for Leon, I don't know where I would be today, he not only saved me but saved my life." Claire smiled, "he's a good guy." Helena smiled, " he is one of the best he didn't give up on me he gave purpose in live and gave me a reason to live little did I know was that I did the same for him." Claire smiled, "wow that's true love." Helena sighs, "the point is don't give up on love you be surprised what it can do when you least expect it." she said as she left. Claire thought about it and realized Helena was right. She paid her tab and left.

"At DSO Headquarters."

Jill and Chris were preparing for the mission in Europe tomorrow. Sarah and Laura had pulled into Europe and had contacted the liaison, who had agreed to work together to stop the terrorist attack. Still, lately, Chris had been distracted by his sister and Michael Wesker, whom he did not trust. Jill noticed the look on his face, "Hey, you need to pay attention. We will be walking a warzone tomorrow, and you need to be prepared for one wrong mistake, and we lose Wesker. Okay, what's going on, Chris?" Chris sighed, "Sorry, I'm just a little concerned about my sister and Michael." Jill sighed, "Not this again, Chris. He's not Albert Wesker; okay, just because he's Albert's brother doesn't mean he's like him. Besides, Claire trusts him; why can't you?" Chris sighs, "I don't know, maybe the fact how they met he kidnapped her and her. . ." Jill interrupted him, "Stay behind. She didn't leave him even after he got shot by his own brother. That's who she is. Michael isn't Albert, okay? Trust your sister." she said as she walked off.

Chris sighed and didn't know what to do

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Chris sighed and didn't know what to do. Leon had walked in, "Hey, you ready for tomorrow?" Chris sighed heavily, "trying to be, at least." Leon sighed, "Okay, what's wrong?" Chris sighed, "You wouldn't understand if I told you." Leon sighed, "Chris, we've known each other since this started, so try me." Chris sighed, "It's hard seeing Claire how she trusts Michael even though he's a Wesker. I just don't get it." Leon sighed, "Maybe it's because Michael has been judged because of what his brother has done. It's not easy when you are constantly being judged because of who your family is." Chris sighs, "Sounds like you understand better than anyone." Leon sighs, "I know because of how my own girlfriend was treated and judged by DSO when she transferred, and it was worse for her." Chris sighs, "What happened to her?" Leon dreaded telling him the story, "When she was transferred, everybody knew her reputation, and they judged when they weren't looking at her. They were either starting rumors about her or laughing at her behind her back." Chris sighs, "Did she know about it." Leon sighed, "Kind of hard not to notice when people stare at you, so yeah, she knew, and it hurt her a lot. Seeing her in pain killed me."

Chris gasped, "But she's okay now, right." Leon scoffs, "You think it's over just because I saved her life? It will never be over, but in some way, she saved me. She pulled out of the darkness I was in." he said as she left. Chris couldn't believe it. Leon was breathing hard. Helena went up to him, "Hey, what's wrong?" Leon sighed, "Chris will never understand what it's like to see someone suffer because they are judged for what they are and not who." she hugged, "Hey, it's okay. Listen, maybe someday he'll see it." he kissed her, "I'm worried about tomorrow." Helena nodded, "Yeah, we better pack." they headed toward the locked room and packed their gear. Helena winced in pain. Leon saw it, "Hey, you okay?" Helena nodded. Leon pulled her arm sleeves down and saw the scars of her suicide marks, "do they hurt?" Helena nodded, "Once in a while, but not so much." he kissed her wrists, "I wished back then I could have done more." Helena kissed him on the cheek, "Leon, being with you is enough. You're enough, okay?" he nodded. 

The team met one last time

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The team met one last time. Chris told how this would work: "All of us will need to land in Europe. Sarah and Laura have already left. Jill and I will depart along with our teams. Claire leaves tomorrow, along with Helena and Leon. When we get there, we will report to the liaison. Okay, then we'll meet at the base for debriefing, alright? Everyone tries to get some sleep." he said as he and Jill departed on their helicopter. Leon looked at Claire and Michael, "Both, be careful tomorrow." She nodded. "You two, watch your back." Helena smiled. "Always do," they said as they left. Claire sighed, "We should probably go." Michael nodded, "Yeah, we should. We need to rest." he smiled and led her out.

Leon had finished their final packing and got ready for bed. Leon looked at her, "everything ready for tomorrow?" he asked while lying in bed." Helena nodded and climbed into bed, "Yeah, I just want to get through this." Leon nodded as they cuddled in bed, "I get it you've been doing okay lately?" Helena sighed, "no one is bothering you lately. I guess they are more scared of you still, but that doesn't stop Alicia and her so-called gang." Leon kisses her head, "You know the worst part of this is not one person apologized for the hell they put you through, and that's why I'll never forgive them for what they did." she kissed him, "We both feel the same way, but in some strange way if Alicia didn't do what she did we would haven't gotten together I would like to think we saved each other." he kissed her she kissed him back, "Helena you saved from the darkness that I was going through after what Ada did to me it made me feel alive again and since then I've been living because of you." she smiled, "let's get some sleep." they turned off the lights and went to bed.

" they turned off the lights and went to bed

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Claire and Michael were in their hotel room. Michael was in bed waiting for Claire to finish getting ready. She sighed and climbed into bed, "Today has been exhausting, especially for you." he said. She nodded, "Yeah, but I'm worried about you. How are you feeling about tomorrow?" Michael sighed, "I was hoping that my brother would change and that it wouldn't come to this, but whatever the reason, he brought this on himself." she kissed him, "It'll be alright, and I'm here." he smiled, "your brother doesn't trust me I guess I can understand given my last name, but I'm not like him." Claire sighed, "Yeah, that's the issue. I talked to Helena at the coffee place today, and she told me. She understands our situation; she knows what it's like to be judged because she and Leon went through that. She told me love is worth it in the end." Michael sighed and held Claire in his arms, "sounds like they went through hell to be together." she nodded, "Yeah, they did, but their love is what makes them stronger together." he nodded, "let's go to bed." they went to sleep and knew in the end it would be okay.

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