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   "Where is she we're going to be late" Simone spoke anxiously while tapping her foot

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"Where is she we're going to be late" Simone spoke anxiously while tapping her foot. " she's coming..ok calm down" Michelle mumble as Simone pushed out of the way bang on the front door.

"Lina sweetheart your friends are waiting for you" A young woman yelled from down stairs "I SAID IM COMING!" The girl yelled in an irritated tone as she ran down the stairs.

"TA-DA!" The young girl said as she did a quick spin showing off her dress "Oh, how wonderful..but you've got to go..your gonna be late" Adelelina's mum spoke as she push her daughter towards the front door.

"Wait my coat" Adelelina said as she ran back upstairs as her mum let out a groan as she walked towards the front door "I'm sorry girls but I don't think you're gonna make it on time.. she just ran back upstairs" Lina's mother said as Simone push past her running.

"Oh no she isn't" Simone grunted swinging open Adelelina's door "come you've had enough time" Simone spoke gripping the young girls arm "OW!" A yell was heard from the second floor.

"So how's my little niece doing huh?" Adelelina's mum spoke "I'm doing just well" Michelle said smiling "well I hope you girls enjoy the school it was quite hard getting you lot in there" she said smoothing out her red and black dress as Simone and Adelelina walked out the front door.

"Bye mum!" lina said as she kissed her cheek "bye my love have a great day and Be good!" The young woman said a stern look and gentle words as she watch the three young girls walk down the street giggling.

"Come on mate I think it's for the best.. the girls are gonna lighten up the place if you ask me" a tall blonde boy spoke as he leaned on the bench speaking to his friends "I agree with old Malcolm here" he spoke nugging the brunette boy "it's gonna be like a party here" the black haired spoke again "well then, let the party begin" the brunette said getting up as he looked at the three girls walk onto the school grounds.

"I think this bull" adelelina said as she tossed her long black hair over her shoulders "i think it's gonna be fun ya know" Simone spoke "it gonna be like a change of scenery" she continued "what about you Michelle" Simone questioned as she watched Michelle's mouth open to speak but was quickly cut off.

"Well hello ladies" a tall brunette spoke boastfully "Is there something you need?" Adelelina said looking at the brunette with disgust as her two friend stood behind her "Woah calm down sweetheart, me and my mates just wanted to introduce ourselves.

"We don't need an introduction, but thanks for trying" Adelelina said as she grabbed Michelle's hand and began to walk off stepping on the brunettes foot with her heels earning a soft groan as they to school building leaving the brunette distraught.

"It looks like we don't have first hour together" Michelle softly spoke "it's ok we'll me up for lunch and everything will be fine ok" Adelelina said as she headed off the first hour. Once adelelina enter she sat at the first set the caught her eye.

The young girl quietly sat down and neatly placed her books onto the desk when someone stood over her and cleared their throat "your sitting in my seat" the voice said as Lina looked up to see the boy from earlier "I don't see your name written on it.." Lina snarkly said as the door slammed "JOSEPH DESCAMPS!" A voice yelled as the brunette whipped his head around.

"Why are you still and not in a set? Class start five minutes ago" a older man said a Joseph stared at him with shock "she's in my seat" he said blandly as adelelina looked at the teacher innocently "Oh sir I didn't know this was anyone's sat I truly apologize.. I-I'll move right away" she said with fake innocence as she began to stand up.

"No! Dear you stay right there" the old man spoke as he look at the softly "Joseph you'll sit right over here" the man said pointing at the seat across from adelelina as he turn his back to the class and began to teach. Joseph looked over at adelelina as she had a sly look on her face.

"Give me a second class I'll be right back" the old man said as he walked out of the class, the moment the elderly man walked the whole class began speaking "give it to her" adelelina her whispers coming from beside her which she chose to ignore "ok, ok, fine" a boy whispered as he walked over to girl.

A tall blonde boy stood in front of adelelina and handed her a folded up peace of paper. Adelelina glanced at the paper as the boy scurried away. "Open it" she heard again. Adelelina hesitated to open the note for a quick second.. but she finally did.

"Nice tits sweetheart"

Wrote on the note.

Adelelina blankly stared at the note and turned to look at the group of boys whom which where now laughing. Adelelina directed her eye onto the Brunette boy , who know she knows the name of. Adelelina watched as Joseph rested his head on his knuckles as he pushed his lips forward making a kissing face and winking at the girl.

"How bad could this be?" Michelle's voice played in her head as turned around crushing the paper in her hands as the bell rung.

"He's so dead " adelelina mumbled as she got up and exited with the rest of the class.

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