Chapter 2: Piano Moment

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While Lewis continued to stare at Irina and contemplate on the lost memories of himself with his deceased fiancée Freya, Lamar guided Irina upstairs to where her room would be. As they headed upstairs, the halls became narrower and darker with only a dim of light shining in the distance. When they got inside the room where Irina is supposed to sleep in, she realized how antique and exquisite it looked with colors of bold red and black. Irina couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as she stood in the room, the atmosphere heavy with history and mystery. The air was tinged with the scent of aged wood and polished furniture. A giant crimson chandelier was hung on the ceiling and she noticed how a small drop of sunlight reflected through the windows.

Lamar: This will be your room, Miss Irina. Master Lewis told me you should have this room.

Lamar: I hope you like how it's designed and make yourself comfortable.

Irina: I don't just like it. I absolutely love it. But I wonder...How come there are no mirrors?

Lamar: Oh, Master Lewis used to sleep in this room without mirrors. He says they can't be trusted.

Lamar: But if you insist, I'll let him know.

Irina: You don't need to be concerned about that. Good thing I brought my own hand mirror I often use.

Lamar: But you would need a mirror in the bathroom. Wouldn't be good without one.

Irina: Oh, right...I do.

Lamar: Well, I'll leave you alone for now to rest. Come find me if you need anything.

Irina: Thank you, Lamar. I will.

While Lamar left, she approached the windows and drew back the heavy curtains, allowing more sunlight to flood the space. The view outside revealed an expansive garden, overgrown with ivy and surrounded by ancient stone walls. Irina couldn't help but feel a strange connection to the history that seemed to seep through every crack in the mansion.

Irina: She thought to herself. This house is so ancient...The walls, blankets, the architecture. It feels like living inside a Victorian castle.

Irina: On the inside. Also, how come there are no other servants in this house other than Lamar?

Irina: On the inside. "Mirrors can't be trusted". What does Lamar meant when he told me that?

She sat on the edge of the bed as the sunlight continued to dim through the windows. Little did she know that the mansion held not only Lewis's memories but also a tapestry of stories waiting to be unraveled. While Irina lied down, she began to lament over her grandma's death again.

Irina: Oh, grandma...How I wish you were here to hold and kiss me tight.

Irina: It's sad knowing your time was up...But I must know it's God that made a deal with the Lord of the dead.

Irina: Now your soul is finally at rest.

Before Irina knew it, she fell asleep without her knowing how tired and overwhelmed she was. Hours later, the soft melodies of the piano downstairs reached Irina's ears, gradually pulling her out of the depths of sleep. The music was melancholic yet oddly comforting. Irina sat up, momentarily disoriented, before the events of the day flooded back into her consciousness. She recognized the song played as River Flows In You by the artist Yiruma. Compelled by both curiosity and the desire for distraction, Irina made her way downstairs, guided by the haunting melody. The halls, once dim and narrow, now seemed to glow with a subdued warmth. The source of the piano music became clearer as she descended the grand staircase. As Irina reached the bottom, she discovered a room with an open door, revealing a spacious parlor. The room was adorned with vintage furniture, and in the corner, a grand piano stood gracefully. Lewis, his fingers dancing across the keys, seemed lost in the music.

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