Second times the charm

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I sigh as I get Felix out the car and grab my purse. I simply carry him as I'll put him in the buggy when we get inside anyway. I make the short walk to the front and grab one of the kid-friendly carts shaped like a car. I secure the little seatbelt and proceed to the first aisle. I like to work my way from one side of the store to the other. It makes the trip quicker and also prevents me from forgetting things.

Feli tends to get fussy when we're walking around for too long so I try to avoid that at all costs. If I was him I wouldn't be too happy with being confined either, given he's quite an active baby. I'm about halfway done when he starts to get restless. I try to distract him but for some reason he just isn't having it today. I check my phone to see it's about feeding time and I curse myself internally.

Could I have chosen a worse time?! "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Mommy didn't fix a bottle before leaving the house so you'll have to wait a little, ok?" He seems to have lost all understanding because he only cries louder. I groan softly as I hate to draw attention in public but it's not like I can just make him suddenly stop being a literal baby.

I try to give him his paci but he spits it out and hits the handle of the cart angrily. "Hey, now. I need you to try and be a good boy, I know you're frustrated but-" he wails and I rub my forehead gently. I love you, kid, but Jesus Christ. I'm just about to take him out and hold him when I peep something out the corner of my eye.

I look up to see a familiar face heading towards me and I almost want the world to open up and swallow me whole. "Well, hello there" she grimaces lightly, addressing both me and Felix. He turns to her and she smiles at him, raising her eyebrows a little. His cries die down and he just stares at her with his mouth slightly open.

You too huh? I glance between them and she looks at me, silently asking for permission to touch him and I nod involuntarily. As she tickles him I'm just amazed by how easily she renders me to a submissive state. Not to mention how she is with Felix. She may deal with many babies but my little one doesn't usually trust new people so easily.

It's as though he shares in my pull towards the redhead; approving of her in a way. "You have a little... something" she points to my chest and I glance down to see the small wet spots. I frown and roll my eyes, frustrated with my body for yet again betraying me. "Damn it! I forgot to wear the stupid... thingies" I groan quietly in anger.

"Here. Take my jacket" she shrugs off her coat and tries it hand it over to me but I push it back and shake my head. "Don't worry. I was just heading out anyway" she insists and as I go to protest again she narrows her eyes. "And it wasn't a question" I shyly take the garment from her hands, thanking her quietly.

Her tone made my knees weak and with the way she looked at me as well... I'm a puddle. She says her goodbyes to me and Felix, heading towards the counters. I unconsciously tilt my head down to smell the collar of her jacket. It smells of Jasmine and chamomile, a perfect combination for a person so sweet. I smile to myself and continue to shop, finishing rather quickly.

As I'm pushing the buggy back to the car I hear grumbles of frustration and I turn my head towards them. I see the redhead with her hands on her hips, staring at the open hood of her car. I make a detour over to her and see there's a bit of smoke emitting from under the hood. "Hey there..." I mumble shyly and she turns to me, her frown immediately dissipating.

"Hi" she sighs dramatically, "car trouble's the worst" I grimace and she nods in agreement as she rolls her eyes. "I could give you a ride... payback for the jacket" I pull on the hem of it to emphasize my words and she shakes her head. "It's fine. It just needs to... cool down a bit—I think..." she furrows her eyebrows in concern as she glances back at the engine.

"It's no problem, really. A tow truck will take a while and I can't just leave you here alone" I insist and she takes a few moments, debating on my offer. Felix's babbling is what grabs her attention and she looks between him and me. "Ok... only because I live just up the road. I wouldn't want this little joy to be in the car too long" she sighs and I smile widely.

"You wouldn't like that would you, Felix? No, I don't think so" she uses a cheery voice and it clearly delights him. I nod towards my car and she closes the hood as I head over to get both Felix and the groceries in. She helps me with the rest of the bags and I thank her as we get in. She directs me to her house which really was right around the corner, much to my disappointment.

I was hoping to spend a little more time with her but as we pull in her driveway, that dreams flies away. She gets out the car and I follow for reasons unknown to me but I quickly search for one as she eyes me curiously. "Here... your jacket back" I take it off and go to hand it to her but she pushes it back towards me as I did previously.

"No need" she smiles, "I'm only going home, I'll just be in the car" I chuckle. "You can keep it" she shrugs, "in case of another... rainy day" she teases. "I couldn't. I have coats of my own, you know?" I giggle, "of course you can! Think of it as a little gift" she argues. "But I- well I haven't done anything to deserve a gift. You must take it back, please" I practically beg and she smirks.

She takes a few steps closer to me and I get lost in her eyes as she stares at me. "You want to pay me back?" I nod slowly and I'm sure by now that she recognizes the effect she has on me. I'm hopeless. "Have dinner with me. Say... tomorrow at 6?" There's a playful glint in her that compliments her—at least to me—seductive tone.

"Oh I'd love to but..." I sigh, "but?" She prompts and I glance back to the car seeing Felix play with a little rattle, oblivious to our interaction. "Is it ok if I bring Felix? I know it's silly but I just-" "well, of course! I'd love that" she, thankfully, cuts my rambles short to say. I sigh in relief and chuckle in embarrassment at my previous thoughts that she'd find it weird or annoying.

It could've went two ways considering she works with babies. I thought she would have the opposite reaction—not wanting to see anymore children after work since she's in their company all day. I'm glad to see I was wrong. "That's perfect then" I state, "great. Let me have your number so I can text you later" she says and I recite it to her so she can put it in her phone.

I leave shortly after and again there's a huge smile on my face. That woman has a way of brightening my day in a manner I haven't felt in a long time. I'm certainly nervous to see where this leads but I feel more at ease knowing she's ok with Felix being around. Also the fact that he seems to like her too, which is very important to me.

He may be small now but one day he'll grow up and I want to keep the unpleasant times to a minimum. As I get ready for bed, having already put my little man down for the night, my phone buzzes. I wipe off the remaining lotion on my hands to a towel and then pick up the device. I furrow my eyebrows seeing a text from an unknown number but when I open it that soon fades.

Hey, it's Mildred. I wanted to make sure you got home safe and that you have my number

I quickly save her name, risking to place a little heart next to it before I reply. I let her know we're home and that I've gotten Felix to sleep and am about to do the same. She says she's glad and that she'll text me tomorrow with the place we'll be meeting at. We say our goodnights afterwards and I put my phone to charge, flipping over and closing my eyes, excited for tomorrow.

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