Sick as a dog

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I wake up and stretch out, coughing a little bit. My throat is a little sore and I notice it's pretty early so I tiptoe to the kitchen to grab some water. I chug the whole glass, having to take a little gasp of air. My throat still feels scratchy and my eyes widen as it dawns on me that I'm not just thirsty. The seasons are changing and with that I typically get a cold.

I usually prevent it with teas and such but I've been a bit distracted the past few days. Before I can so much as think about taking anything, I hear Felix's babbles from the other room. I sigh as I realize he'll probably get sick too and there's literally no one else to take care of him to stop it. I get him and sit him in the chair to which he protests greatly.

I never put him in there as soon as he wakes up because he likes cuddles, but I need to take the extra measure so I can at least try not to get him sick. I listen to his squeals as I grab medicine, taking a pain killer because I feel a headache coming on. I tiredly move around, fixing him food and hoping that occupies him enough so I can call the doctor.

I manage to get him to calm down and hand him the bowl, running to my room despite the argument from my stomach. I grab my phone and go to the contacts as I make my way back to the kitchen. I call the doctor and lean against the counter, asking to speak to a nurse. I tell her my symptoms and ask what I should do about Felix just to see if she had any tips.

As I suspected, there wasn't much I could do besides having someone take him. I obviously don't have that option, so I just thank her and hang up. I take the first dose of medicine and grimace as it goes down, chugging another glass of water to wash it down. I can't even begin to think about eating so I just let Felix finish and then play in the living room.

I try to get some work done but the longer I stare at the screen, the heavier my eyes become and the headache increases. I think that's the worst part of all—the sleepiness. I've always had to sleep off sickness but I don't have that luxury now that I have Feli. I can't leave him unattended and he's on a very tight sleep schedule. I check the clock and see his nap time is an hour and a half away, groaning to myself.

My phone buzzes at I pinch the bridge of my nose, the very sound annoying me.

Hey, I was thinking we could go to the park?

"Shit" I mutter, suddenly remembering I agreed to plans with the redhead. I hate to decline but I really don't think I should be an around people.

I'm so sorry I can't but maybe another time?

I don't want to tell her I'm sick, only because there's nothing I dislike more than to be pitied.

Oh, okay. Is something wrong?

No something just came up

I see...

I know people say that you can't read tone in text but hers is clear as day to me. As much as I hate to admit to being sick, I'd rather all the questions that come after than her thinking I'm trying to ditch her.

I woke up this morning not feeling well, I think I'm sick

I see the three little dots appear and I bite my lip as I wait anxiously for her response. They disappear and pop back up repeatedly and I only get more nervous.

What are your symptoms and address? I'm going to send you something

That's definitely not the response I was expecting. I try to protest but she isn't having it once again, so I give in and just tell her. She hearts it and doesn't say anything else so I put my phone down; only after texting my boss to let her know I wouldn't be online due to my sudden illness.

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