Whoopsie daisy

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It's been two days that Millie has been staying here, she's been in the guest bedroom and for some reason I just wish she was even closer. Though, I understand her not wanting to sleep in the bed with me for many reasons. If she gets sick then it defeats the purpose of her being here for Felix. I've been thinking about that a lot actually.

Maybe it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with him. I mean there's a reason she works with children for a living, right? She knows I don't have anyone else and so she stepped in for him. Either way it's nice but it does hurt a bit to think about. "How ya holding up?" I turn my head to see her standing in the doorway and I sigh deeply.

"I'm ok, thank you" I reply with a small smile, "look... I know we haven't known each other long but you should know, I don't like liars" she says and I avert my gaze from hers. I stand up and meet her eyes again, "I'm gonna take a shower" I state before making my way to the bathroom. "Lissie-" she grabs my wrist and I turn around with a look of shock on my face.

I'm not shocked that she tried to stop me, it's about the name she used. She seems just as shocked as me that it left her mouth and her grip loosens. I'm not really sure what to say so I just turn back around and continue to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I lean my back against it and close my eyes as I let out a breath I didn't notice I was holding.

Billie used to call me that. That's not what bothers me, however, well not exactly. It's the fact that I felt the exact same way when Billie first said it. I shake the thoughts and turn on the water to drown them out. I take a rather quick shower because my mind, despite my attempts to stop it, continued to wander and I'd prefer not to worry about things I'm not even sure are true.

I come out the bathroom and head over to the closet to look for clothes. As I'm searching through them, my fingers brush against lace and I stop quickly. I pull it out by the end to see what it is, only to reveal a maid outfit I bought. I hear breathing and I turn to see Mildred stood in the doorway, her bottom lip tucked neatly between her teeth.

"I ummm... I never used it" I mumble as I look back at the material, pressing it gently between my fingers while remembering the day I bought it. "I found out I was pregnant with Felix before I got the chance to wear it and I guess... well it didn't make since to after" I shrug. "I'm sure it'd look beautiful on you" I turn my head to see she's now standing right next to me.

My eyes meet hers and my breathing picks up a little as I realize just how close we are, her breath ghosting over my lips. I clear my throat and she blinks a few times before stepping away. Then she smiles awkwardly, turning around and leaving me to get dressed. I slip on some comfortable house clothes and enter my bedroom before leaving there as well.

I go to Felix's room to see she's just putting him down for the night. I lean against the doorframe and watch her, not being able to the past days as I've been stuck in bed. She smiles down at him, whispering as she delicately runs her fingers over his hair. Her lips press a feather-light kiss on his forehead before she stands up straight and turns to see me.

I smile wearily at her and she averts her gaze to her hands. When she glances back up I nod for her to follow me. I sit on the bed and she takes a place next to me, neither of us speaking yet. I think we both know what time it is; I'm pretty much back to full health and so there's no reason for her to stay any longer.

Except, I don't want her to leave and I get the feeling she doesn't want to go either. "You seem a lot better" she points out and I nod as she glances at me, "I am" I affirm. She purses her lips in thought as she nods and I bite my lip. "But... you don't have to go" I mumble and she turns to me with her eyes slightly widened.

"You want me to stay?" I look away shyly, not exactly knowing how to go about this. I mean I barely know her but I feel like there's so much potential between us. The words get caught in my throat as I try to work up the courage and I think she can tell. I feel her hand on my chin and she lifts my head, turning me to face her as she moves closer.

I get lost in her eyes, relaxing into her touch as she rest her other hand on my thigh. "Just say the word and I'm yours" she whispers and my eyes flutter closed, my eyebrows furrowing as I try to control my breathing. "Please" I breathe out, opening my eyes to gauge her reaction. Her gaze drops to my lips and I lean forward to signal that I want it.

She looks in my eyes one last time and I nod to reassure her. When our lips collide, my body trembles in delight. It's been a long time since I've kissed anyone and I was scared it would feel... weird; but with her it's perfect. Everything is perfect. I pull away and she pecks my lips one last time before pulling back as well.

I feel a bit lightheaded but in the best way. Her hand has moved to my waist, her fingers dancing on the skin she's exposed by finding her way under my shirt. My breath hitches at the feeling of her skin against mine, my body unconsciously leaning into it. Without words we get under the covers and she lays next to me, taking me in her arms.

I can't help but to think about Billie, the only other person to share this bed with me. I thought I would never get over it because I'll always have love for her but my grip is loosening now. The blonde will always have a place in my heart and in my life due to Felix which I love. However, now there's Mildred and my heart has grown to fit her.

"Felicity?" she whispers, "Lissie is better" I reply softly and there's a moment of silence before I hear her take a deep breath. "Lissie, I really like you and ummm—well this is new for me and I know it is for you too. So I was thinking maybe we could just take it slow?" I hear the anxiety in her voice as she asks and I look up to see her nervously biting her lip.

"You don't have to be nervous, I agree" I assure her and she nods, her muscles relaxing as she sighs. She starts to hum a song I don't recognize but I don't think on it too much as the notes soothe me. When she begins to sing, I feel every ounce of tension in my body just pour out of me. As if her speaking voice didn't turn me to mush already, her singing goes beyond that.

It's transcendental, every little break for breath and the slight raspiness makes me feel like I'm floating. Her fingers tracing my hipbone in slow circles as I fight to keep my eyes open. I eventually allow them to flutter closed, not being able to hold on any longer. "Sweet dreams, Lissie" she whispers and a smile graces my face as everything goes dark.

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