Chapter 1: Pilot part 1 the truth

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"Mommy!!!" A 3 year old child cried out waking up from a nightmare. His door opens and in walks his mother. A worker drone with Cyan eyes and pink hair wearing a red polka dot dress. Her name was Lori Revan.

"What's the matter hunny?". The child started to cry.

"Mo....mommy it was....was the masked monster....h....he said he's coming for me". Lori hugged her son.

"Its ok (Y/N), there there. It's just a nightmare. It can't hurt you". Lori said while patting (Y/N) back. It has been constant now. "Do you want to play with your friends Uzi,Doll,Lizzy, Rebecca and Thad today?" (Y/N) nodded his head. Lori wiped the tears from his eyes "Ok just go back to sleep it's only 3am, I'll set a play date up, ok,?" (Y/N) layed back down. Lori kissed his forehead. (Y/N) tried to go back to sleep but the ominous whispering was keeping him up. Lori makes it back to her room.

"Did he have that nightmare again?" (Y/N) father Cal Revan asked his wife. Cal had orange eyes and was wearing a grey camo outfit with a hard hat.

"Yes its been getting worse. He hasn't been getting any sleep lately. Cal what are we going to do?"

"Maybe we should ask Nori and Khan for help".

"Dear it's not like we can just turn him off, I'm really worried about him". Just then there room door opens. (Y/N) comes running in scared and crying.

"Mommy,'s in my room. The masked monster in my room!!!" (Y/N) ran to his mother and hugged her legs. Lori just picked him up. She carried him to there bed.

"Its ok, you can sleep with us. Your father and me will protect you from the masked monster" Lori layed (Y/N) in the middle of the bed. His father on his right and mother on his left. Feeling safe (Y/N) was able to go back to sleep. Lori ran her hand through his (H/C) hair. Giving him one last kiss on the forehead, Lori and Cal go into sleep mode.

*16 years later*

"We are Worker Drones. Autonomous robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our interstellar parent company, JCJenson IN SPAAAAACCCEE!!!!"

 Autonomous robots helping humans mine exoplanets for our interstellar parent company, JCJenson IN SPAAAAACCCEE!!!!"

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Yeah, we were mistreated in the name of Windex. But it's not like we revolted and killed all humans or anything, mostly because they handled that just fine all by themselves" As the unknown female speaks, the planet core collapses and blows up a good majority of Copper 9.

 But it's not like we revolted and killed all humans or anything, mostly because they handled that just fine all by themselves" As the unknown female speaks, the planet core collapses and blows up a good majority of Copper 9

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