Taylor's Clean Speech, Baton Rouge

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"... and when were going through something confusing or complicated, and sometimes we feel like only thing that can understand us at that time... is a song. Is that true with you too?
So I can only assume that you're here tonight because music helps you when you're having difficult times, that maybe, you've had some difficult times in your life.
Whether it felt like you didn't feel like you fit in, or you didn't know where you were going with your life, or you fell in love with a habit or a person that was bad for you but you couldn't put it down; and all of those things can make you fell like you've lost yourself, or you've lost your way, or can make you feel like... like you're going nowhere.
And, umm, it's never a good feeling to feel like you're standing still, but when you feel like you're standing still, I want you to look into the mirror and remind yourself of what you are, and what you are not. Okay? You are not someone else's opinion of you... you are not damaged goods just because you've made a few mistakes in your life... you are not going Nowhere just because you haven't gotten where you want to go yet.
On the other hand, you are wiser for the mistakes you have made... you are brave because you were bold enough to put yourself in a position to take risks and make mistakes. And you are someone who's walked through a bunch of rainstorms and kept putting one foot Infront of the other. And I think... I think I keep learning every day, but after learning for 25 years, I think I do know is that pain does make you a stronger person. And I do know that walking through a bunch of rainstorms and continuing to put one foot Infront of the other makes you... clean." -Taylor Swift

This is the speech I heard at the 1989 Tour in Baton Rouge. There are many different versions of the speech, so I will post some others and maybe your city will be mentioned (:

Clean - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now