Philadelphia, June 13

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"...And it's why you're here tonight – because we all process pain the same exact way and we process joy the same way. We need a song that describes those emotions and when we find that song it's like falling in love. Um, and you know I, I talk to you on the internet, and I talk to you when I meet you, and when we talk, it becomes very clear to me that every single person here could be going through something really tough, and really difficult, and you're putting on a smile, and you go to a concert, and you're being strong, and you're powering through it, and you're having fun in spite of whatever is complicated in your life, and I want to thank you for that, thank you for having fun with me tonight. Cause here's the thing – in 2015, even if someone else isn't trying to tell you you're not good enough, or you're not the right definition of beauty, or that you're not the right standard of perfection – even if someone else isn't telling you that, sometimes we look in the mirror and tell ourselves that. And there's nothing that you can really do to stop having those bad days, and there's nothing you can do to avoid those going through really tough times where it feels like... it feels like things are kinda pointless sometimes. And, um, it feels like you're walking through all these rainy days and it's never getting brighter. And I want you to know that every single one of us in this room has gone through that, too, and we will continue to have to fight those battles our entire lives. But...but, when this happens to you please, please if there's one thing you to remember from tonight, I want you to look in the mirror – instead of telling yourself that you should be like someone else, or you should be something you're not, or you should know the answers to questions that you don't know yet – I want you to look in the mirror and remind yourself of what you are, and what you are not. Alright? You are not someone else's opinion of you. You are not damaged goods if you've made mistakes. You're not going nowhere just because you haven't arrived at your final destination yet. Those are the things you're not. Let me tell you what you are, alright? You are your own definition of beautiful, and worthwhile. That's what you are. You are someone who is wiser because they made mistakes, and you are someone who I consider brave if you've taken the risks it takes to make mistakes in your life. That's what you are. And, lastly, you are a person who has gone through tough times, who has had insecurities, who has felt out of place, who could going through any of those things right now – but instead, you decided to put one foot in front of the other, move on with things and go have the best time ever at a concert on a Saturday night. That's what you are. And I am a person who has had things said about me that wasn't true and I have read things on headlines that felt wrong, and I always had you to count on. And so I had the courage to move to a new city, and cut my hair, and go to London and write a song with an artist I had always admired – her name is Imogen Heap and this song that we wrote together is called Clean."

Clean - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now