Melbourne, December 12

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"I look out and I see how incredible you're being, and so open, and so, um... so excitable, and all these wonderful things that you are – you know, dancing around like crazy, and screaming the words to the songs at the top of your lungs, and dressing however you felt like dressing, and, um, you know, making signs, all the things that you do. And, um, I never want anything... I never want anything bad to happen to you, I... I just think you're amazing. And, um, so I guess if there's one thing that you remember from tonight – you know, I keep up with you online, and I see the good things. I see what you're... the sings you're making for the shows, what you're gonna wear, all that. But I also see the hard, terrible things you have to go through when people say things to you, and leave an anonymous comment, and tell you that you're not good enough, or whatever. Um, people say and do very thoughtless things, and, um, it's inevitable that, at some point, someone is going to be careless and cruel to you. And just want you to remember one thing. You are not the opinion of somebody who doesn't know you or care about you, okay? I was in London, um, a few years ago, and I was really struggling with, um, trying to process what mattered to me, and whose opinions mattered to me. You know, I had people commenting constantly on absolutely every aspect of my life, and sort of dissecting it. And I made a decision a couple years ago that the only opinions that really count to me are the people who want to spend time with me. Your opinion is the only one that really matters to me. And it was upon that realisation that, um, I met up with an amazing singer-songwriter named Imogen Heap, and I played her this idea I had for a song called Clean. Will you sing this one with me?"

Clean - Taylor SwiftWhere stories live. Discover now