CHAPTER 8:- Closing Time

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After what happened last night I swore to Anna I will never go to a public event again. She tried to lift my mood up but my negativity held me back.

I was back to reality which is classes , shifts and travelling London. Remember the journal I made for London? I have filled at least 7 pages with the most amazing pictures I took. I liked travelling alone it made the place seem fun and all the mysterious I could solve and discover. I want to explore every corner but with my time limit I almost got my ass busted always.

Today was my turn to serve the students in the canteen. Me and Loona paired up with a bunch of more people. It was considered social work. About last night I felt that Grace was- and speak of the devil.

"Oh it's you! My my you look different what happened with your face now?"

"Spare me the body shaming comments. But i need to serve people who are more deserving of this food." I felt eyes on me one guy even nodded his head in disappointment.

"You are useless try next time hon."

I was that bad at comebacks. Why does she have a row with me seriously I never even pick up a fight with her nasty hoe.

I took my things and ran to get my bag. I rushed outside the campus and kept looking here and there in embarrasment

"Need a ride Mia?" "No thanks.. How do you know my name..?"

"You were the girl with Anna and also I saw your name on the list I'm basically Ren's Assistant so yep."

"Oh I see well thank you for the invite but i wanna go outside the campus for a while."

"During school hours? I don't think that's allowed..?"

"Oh i will inform the receptionist in some time she will mark me absent nothing else..."

"Oh ok take care by the way I'm Mike Carter see you around!"

That was so random.

"That girl with Mia seemed like a pick me  in the masquerade I'm pretty sure these Indian girls get breast enlargement when they come to London."

Just because of a little dress I became the talk of the school. Maybe I should have gone to the gym but im just 68 kgs unlike girls here who are 40 kgs or something.

I so wanted to get out of the school now it made my head hurt. I jumped into a cab and told him to drive me anywhere where it's quiet.

He drove me to the park filled with fall leaves and little to now people.

"Here you go madam this is a good park i come here with my family sometimes!!"

"Thank you so much!" I pay him and walk inside.

All i  could think about was my old life how everything was going better there everyone knew me and understood me. Here I feel like a bitch trying so hard. I should just stop trying ughhhh I couldn't stop overthinking so much.

As I walk I look around and I see green bushes with tiny white flowers and dogs running around each other, trees rustling due to the cold wind , old couples hanging around. All of this made me realise how I never saw the beauty outside. I just looked inside and judged everything. Maybe if I had just kept a cool mind this would not have happened.

I roamed around for a while and sat on the bench. Two cats came near me and i started petting them they were so sweet they fell asleep in my lap. I wish this could happen with me all the time I would just forget about everything and relax.

After an hour I woke up the cats and made my way to a cafe across the park and started working on my laptop. I didn't even know but I slept there for quite some hours.

"Mam I'm sorry to wake you up but it's our closing time now." "Oh what's the time?" "It's 9 p.m." oh shit. "Oh ok I'll leave thank you so much."

I leave the cafe and catch a cab and jump right in. Again I was worried whether I'll reach on time or not.

I reached at correct 10:30 at the dorms. I opened the door and threw my bag on my table. All I needed was something to make me sleep. Maybe a cigarette but I never smoked in my life. I went to Anna's to buy I think it was a real bad idea. They were cuddling with each other.

"Oh shi- Hey Mia!!! Where were you?" She gets up and walks up to me. 

"Here and there you know.."

"Hey." Said Theo to which I eyed him and looked back at Anna.

"I'll just be in the bathroom..." What the heck did I just witness.

I washed my face and cleaned up and took my towel to dry it up at the balcony when suprisingly Theo was there lighting a cigarette. I looked away continued doing my work.

"You know you can talk about it right ?" "With you? Uh-uh,." He places himself on the wall facing me and never leaving his sight. "Want one?" "Why not." Fuck.

Shit my first time I was scared but eventually I gave in. I lighted it up and took a puff and coughed real hard.

"Well that happens don't worry and it's a skill." "Should have told me earlier..."

He laughs it off and continues. I try taking more puffs and eventually i finished the whole cigarette in a while.

"I'm going to go sleep." "Good Night." He replied.

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