Chapter 14: 15 Seconds of Seduction

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[Jae Hwa's POV]

Hiding the truth was always the easiest but admitting to it was the hardest. Maybe that's why I was denying it the whole time. Ignoring it as if it was a simple cold that would disappear after a few days. When really it was a disease that could be the death of me and should have been avoided at the beginning of everything. 

As I walk out of the quiet house, I thought of last night. When I said I "kinda like him". I didn't know what was wrong with me but I guess under the assumption that he was asleep, I blurt it out. It felt great to say it out loud because as soon as I admit to it, my headache seem to have lessen and the big tangle up knot in my stomach came undone. 

I acknowledge and faced it but why does the little voice in my brain keep on denying it. Reminding me that this all just for an article not for a chance at love. I will admit that saying those words made me feel better but deep down, I knew that something even bigger and painful is going to happen. All because of me, the article and the little compromise made with J-Hope. 

Pushing these thoughts to the back of my mind, I open the door to our empty house before going into my room to sleep off my worries. Something that I never do when it comes to worries. 


My eyes slowly open and the first thing I see was J-Hope standing over me. Everything was hazy so it felt like a dream. Nope, more like a beautiful nightmare. 

I reach my hands out to touch him, to make sure that my brain wasn't playing any stupid tricks on me. When my hands touch solid skin, my heart did a little back flip as he smile softly back at me. He gently place his hands over mine as he held it by his soft cheek. 

When the blurriness disappear, I notice that the sun was already setting but what caught my attention the most was what he had on. His hair was down as usual but he was wearing a stripe suit, making him look a little bit more of a man than a boy. 

"Are you sick?" He ask, his voice coming out a little husky as he feel my forehead. 

I just simply shook my head to his question, removing his hand from my head. "This is a dream...right? Because for some weird reason, I am suddenly very attracted to you." I mumble as I groggily sat up. 

He let out a quiet chuckle as he sat on the edge of the bed. "It's not a dream. You are attracted to me because you kinda like me." 

At those words, my eyes grew wide, quickly moving somewhere else so that I won't have to face him. Why am I acting like a little kid and not like the bold Jae Hwa at all? There is something seriously wrong. Even back then, when I stood in front of a really handsome boy in my high school class, I was never weak or shy at all. But POOF!! I am all girly and shy in front of him. 

"Get ready. I want to take you out on a date."  

"What if I say no." I stubbornly answer, crossing my arm in front of my chest as protest.

"Then would you rather have a date on your bed instead?" He smirk as he lean in, invading my breathing air. 

"I'm getting up!" I raise my voice as I push myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. 

I didn't need to use the bathroom other than to just clean myself up a bit and to collect my emotion so that I don't do anything stupid while I am on this date. To be honest, I would rather be eaten by a crocodile then go on this date. Besides, my gut feeling isn't so great and cheery about it too. 


The Summer Festival was perfectly decorated with lights as people crowd the walkway. The air was heavenly filled with the scent of all different kind of food, making me want to try everything. But the only thing that was holding me back from doing so was the tightness of my stomach.

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