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first person

I huff as im being forced to save the day, well technically night just because im supernatural, Scott and Derek asked me all sorts of questions, all they know is that im a vampire, i couldn't lie to them and tell them that i was a werewolf because my family is known in legends around the whole world saying we are vampires, the originals to be exact, and Lydia reads all of them so thanks to her, but i wont be completely lying, i am part werewolf but whatever.

im kinda pissed that my plan didnt succeed, act human in front of them but making them transform in front of me so i'd have to be in the loop, then once they're losing a fight i would jump in and save the day, but doesn't matter, i got what i want, im in the inner circle.

'So how do you have claws?' Scott asks,

'What do you mean?' I reply,

'When you saved me from Boyd, you had claws,'

'It's vampire claws'

Scott looks at me confused then nods, dodged a bullet.

We then see Boyd, in full werewolf form trying to attack two children, Scott immediately nods at me and we separate, him to go hide the kids and for me to fight Boyd, 

while fireflies are buzzing all around Boyd, i take the chance to attack him and i drop him, while Scott takes the kids, he looks at me, his face full of anger while attacking me back,

 he managed to scratch my face and i instantly head bump him, the scratches immediately heal and then the girl werewolf comes from behind me pulling my hair so her and Boyd can run away, i have learnt two things, her name is Cora and Cora is a bitch,

I instantly run after them but lose them after a few minutes, growing tired of running, im not the fittest person,

i then hear a scream, instantly following it, but accidently stepping in a steep hole in the floor, activating a trap which instantly lifts me upside down with ropes, but not any type of ropes, vervain ropes.

I scream as loud as i can, i may be an original vampire but that shit stills hurts like a bitch, i use my strength and break through, then taking turns rubbing my wrists and ankles.

Just as i get up i see Scott looking at me frantically,  'Are you okay?'

'Yea dont worry' i reply, he nods

we then walk together to Dereks car which he drives all of us to Argent, Isaac with us.

We all agreed to Scott trying to convince Argent to help us, although Scott and Allison broke up a month ago, really wierd.

'So your, uh your sister?' Isaac says turning to look at Derek

Derek turns to Isaac and gives him a blank stare, obviously scaring Isaac,

'Sorry its bad timing' Isaac says, trying to get words out.

'Really bad timing,' I snort,

'I'll ask later, its fine' Isaac adds, earning another death glare from Derek,

'or never, yeah im good with never' Isaac says,

'so Adeline,' Isaac says trying to change the subject,

'yes Isaac?' I say, knowing what he was going to say,

'We all had a feeling you were supernatural, especially since your too hot to be a human,'

I spat out the water i was drinking and looked at him, 

'thats cool' i say awkwardly.

time skip

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