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first person

I wake up to the sound of my alarm, indicating that its 7 am. I groan as i slap it and get up, i walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth i then wash my face and start my skincare, after that i curl my eyelashes then add mascara and i grab my lip balm,

i wear my nike pros with a black long sleeve tank top, as we had cross country today, also putting a jumper in my bag, i tie my hair in a high ponytail with two strands out, grab my back pack and knock on Scotts door,

'Scott you better be up its 7:40,' i yell, 

he shouts back, 'im coming!'

I go downstairs and see Melissa pouring water in a cup,

'Hey deli how'd you sleep,' she smirks, handing me the cup,

'like a baby,' i say sarcastically,

'do you want breakfast?' She asks,

'no thats okay, i'll grab an apple,' i smile,

Scott finally comes downstairs and starts telling her what happened yesterday, i gasp

'is something wrong?' Melissa asks,

Scott realizes and laughs, i look at him, tilting my head.

'My mum knows about the supernatural, and you' Scott casually says,

'oh' was all i could manage to get out, 

'we're going to leave, bye mum!' Scott says, waving to Melissa,

i do the same and we go outside, i slap Scott,

'Hey what was that for?'

'You told your mum about me, and didn't even tell me?'

'oh yeah, sorry about that,'

'where's the car?'

'what car?' he says pointing to the motorcycle,

i smirk, 'im driving,'

'wait what?'

'please' i beg,

'i thought you'd you scared, thats the whole reason why im going on the motorcycle,'

i laugh and get on the motorcycle putting on the extra helmet while Scott gets on behind me,

'you sure you know how to ride?' he asks

i laugh, 'perks of being alive for a thousand years, you get to learn everything,' Scott's still kinda creeped out but he'll get used to it,

we get to school and Scott helps me get off after he gets off, i take off my helmet then attach it to the back of the motorcycle, Scott does the same, 

'so how was it?' Scott asks, completely shocked that i can ride,

'it was amazing, thanks so much!' i say hugging him, he immediately hugs me back and i wave at him before we part our ways,

 I go to my locker first and put my bag inside, getting ready for sports, I then make my way to the oval and see that im right on time,

i see Isaac getting worked up over the twins, one of which i've danced with at a party, he gives me a smirk before coach blows the whistle and we all run off, 

im running right next to Aiden, he smirks at me i then let him get ahead of me then i sprint past him, turning around to see them going on a different path with Isaac following, i stop in my tracks and run after them, getting lost i hear the twins,

'Ethan i always forget how many bones in the human body?'

I immediately run to them and punch Aiden, 'That's one' i smirk

Aiden gets up, fixing his jaw then lunging at me, i move and kick him straight in the nuts,

he and Ethan groans as Isaac and Scott are now growling, ready to fight, Ethan and Aiden doing the same, 

We all stop when we hear a scream, all of us rushing to where it came from,

A dead guy comes into view, i brush it off, getting ready to leave when i hear Stiles says something, 'it's him, isn't it?'

I ignore him, having no idea what the conversation is about and i get a tingle in my mind, it happens to me every time something bad is about to happen, this time, its at Dereks.

I rush to the loft to see none other then toenail girl, holding a gigantic pole through Dereks back, i smirk as i walk in, examining what was happening.

Im about to go attack the girl when someone creeps up from behind me and i instantly turn around and put all ten of my claws into this big guys stomach, 

The girl instantly went to attack me but Deucalion sticks his walking stick in front of her,

'take the pole out of Derek, i'll take my claws out of big guy over here,'

'Adeline Mikealson, to what do i owe the pleasure?' Deucalion  speaks up,

'girl aren't you blind?' i reply to him,

'One of my many talents,' he smirks

'i know you, your a fanatic,' i tell him,

'know me?' he pauses,

'you've never seen anything like me, i am the alpha of alphas, i am the apex of apex predators, i am death destroyer of worlds, i am the demon wolf,' his voice raising with each word he says,

Toe nail girl, which i now know as Kali, pulls the pole out of Derek,

he takes his glasses off, 'hate when that happens,'

'Oh no i think i really do know you, its time i reveal who i am, i am the most powerful creature on this earth, its you who has never seen anything like me, god i am so tired of everyone thinking i am so weak, go fuck yourself, you think you have all the power?' I match his previous volume,

i raise my hand towards, casting a spell that gives him the experience of 100 knives going in and out his body, as i through a punch at him, Kali and the other guy instantly lunge towards me and i cast a spell that makes me invisible, they all wonder where i am and i suddenly appear behind Deucalion who is holding his head and kick him while he's on the floor, 

'hate when that happens,' i shrug

'i suggest you get out of here while your still alive,' Cora says, holding Derek in her arms,

'this is not over,' Kali says while she and the other guy hold a limping Deucalion, they leave and i instantly rush towards Derek, biting my wrist and feeding him my blood,

'what are you doing?' Derek manages to get out, 

i look him in the eye, 'you will not question me, you will not resist my blood and you won't tell anyone about what happened,'

he takes my wrist and drinks while Cora looks at me in confusion,

'he'll be fine, you will not breathe a word about this to anyone,' i smile as i compel them both, i fell bad but oh well.

I make my way home in the rain, soaking me in my shorts i grab my jumper from my bag and put it on, i loved walking in the rain and getting soaked, thats my kind of love.

I open the door and shout, 'Im home!'

i go upstairs and knock on Scotts door, getting ready to tell him what happened, leaving out my anger issue episode of course, but as soon as i come close to the door, i hear not one but two heart beats, i open the door to find Scott and another person, back facing me, i could also smell blood,


(word count: 1171)

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