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first person

I open the doors of the school and start making my way towards what i think is the main office and start a conversation with the woman at the counter, i gather up the courage and introduce myself to her, she looks at me up and down before handing my locker number, code and timetable. She looked as if she was in her mid 30s with unblended blush and concealer and the failed attempt to pull a red lip, 

i thank her and start walking to the obnoxiously load hallway i then see a bunch of lockers which i start walking towards and spot my locker number i then being typing the locker combination  and putting all my stuff in when im interrupted by a tap on my shoulder, i turn around and catch a really cute boy with moles on his face, 

'hey?' i ask him with a very confused look on my face,

'theirs a party tonight, my friends place, you should come, my names Stiles' he blurts out while handing me a flyer

'nice to meet you Stiles, ill think about it im Adeline' i smile

he returns the smile before walking away to his friends with another boy and two girls.

I then start to make my way to class as the bell rang, with a bit of help i manage to arrive a few minutes late to my first class, english, just as im about to take a seat i hear the words ive been dreading to hear all morning, 

'This must be our new student, Adeline why dont you introduce yourself to the class?' she smiles politely, what else do they want to know they already know my name?

'Hey everyone, my name is Adeline Mikealson and i am forced to be here,' i say in the most fakest happy voice, i then take an empty seat in between Stiles and this other brunette dude, both staring at me like im an alien, well this is awkward.

I shoot them both dirty looks and look at the board, kinda bitchy but why they staring like that for, just then a man who i have no idea who he is, walks through the door and whispers something in the teachers ear, she nods

'Mr Mccall?' she signals for him to come outside and then steps outside with him, only the teacher comes back after a couple minutes she then resumes the lesson.

i hear stiles say something about crazy animals to Lydia, then suddenly a bird flys straight into the window and immediately dies, we all look to the window as the teacher slowly creeps to the window and we all see about 500 birds each of them crash into the window shattering the glass, Stiles comes and immediately covers me, protecting me, hes so cute but i think i can handle a few cuts, then suddenly it all stops, we all stand confused later the police and ambulance arrive.

 i quickly exit the building and quickly go home as i dont want to be questioned on how i didnt get any cuts, as im walking towards the exit, the same girl from before stops me but this time with her friend.

'hey girl, my names Lydia and she's Alison, please come to the party tonight i hope we can all be friends,' she says so enthusiastically.

'I'll be there, my names Adeline,' i smile at her

'Oh trust me honey i know,' she smiles at me back before i turn and walk away, well that was interesting.

I walk home only to find what i think is Scott and Melissa arguing, they dont see me and i find it funny how they argue, i think its about the party tonight ill only go if he goes, that way i have a ride, they both notice me and Melissa comes to greet me,

'Hey honey, how was your first day?' she asks as she pulls me into a hug,

'it was fine' i reply while returning the hug and smile,

'did you two meet yet?' she asks referring to Scott who's just standing there awkwardly

we both reply with no at the same time before he walks up to me and introduce himself, i do the same, when Melissa said she had a son, she didn't mention that he was gorgeous, before i get to go up to my room, Melissa suddenly calls out my name, 

'do you know about the party happening tonight ill only let Scott go if you go?' she asks,

'yeah ill probably go' i reply while Scott thanks me with his eyes,

'but you are not taking her on that silly motorcycle you hear me?' she shouts at Scott,

 i let out a small laugh and go upstairs to shower.

I go upstairs shower, i then do light makeup consisting of mascara, blush, lip gloss and a little bit of concealer, due to my skin being really clear recently i dont need that much makeup, i then pick out a black gorgeous short satin dress and top it with black heels and gold jewelry, i then tie my hair in a messy bun with two strands out, i thank god everyday for my beautiful curly hair but i also love my hair when its straightened, but i prefer curly, 

i check the time and its 5:40 and the party starts at six i then go next door which i know as Scotts room and knock on the door he opens the door and i see that hes wearing black baggy jeans with a brownish hoodie, goddayum he looks fine he asks if im ready and i nod so i follow him downstairs and he grabs the keys form Melissa and kisses her cheek while thanking her, i smile at them while we go outside and i sit in the passenger seat while he gets in the drivers seat.

I would rate him a seven out of ten, if only our convos weren't so dry he turns on his playlist and STARBOY by The Weeknd starts playing, so hes fine, has good style, and has good music taste, i love him already. (jkjk)

The rest of the car ride was just consisting of Scott and I exchanging glances, now that's one way to explain awkward, im pretty sure Scott is supernatural because i can sense it, but i want to make him use his abilities on me then they would have to let me in their pack, then one day i can be a super hero and save them when they're all dying and explain to them how im not only supernatural but stronger then all of them with me being the one of my kind.

We then arrive and i get out of the car, smelling alcohol immediately and spotting Stiles waiting for Scott, well this should be fun.

(word count: 1134)

it'll get better soon trust

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