Chapter 2: Kaiju human work

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-Author note-

It's been a few years with Godzilla's new lifestyle, she now makes her new home. Only to be called upon when needed especially when G-force keeps a close eye on her not trusting the great kaiju. However, kaiju's work is now more than just monsters and monsters. She now has to figure out how to live among the humans. The question is..can she do it.

Year- 2098

Godzilla was in her home, in her true form lying on a massive landmass.

Gojira: Zzzzzz...

???: Gojiiii...

Gojira: Zzz...mmm..zzz *snorts*

???: gojiiirrraaaa~

Gojira: mmmm...*slowly open eyes*

She looks and sees a pair of blue eyes looking at her and wings flapping.

Gojira:....mothra....mmm *sniffs* It rude to invade my privacy...

Mothra: well you were sleeping in...again

Gojira:...I already told you...I appear when Kaiju appears...

Mothra: You have to get acquainted with humans

Gojira: I'm not acquainting the shit humans...

Mothra: Gojira...

Gojira: mmmm fine...fine I'm getting up

She slouches gets up and stretches like a cat and dives under the water. As Mothra followed.

Gojira: So what exactly are we doing?

Mothra: We have to do what the humans call...patrol

Gojira: patrol?

Mothra: Indeed...we simply scan the area for trouble

Gojira: Whatever...hopefully something will happen

The two changed into their human counterparts and made their way to the shores and city. People look at the two kaiju girls as they walk.

Mothra: We have to meet the hero Aizawa or in this case Eraserhead

Gojira: Alright I guess

The two head up a building as they see the man with the scarf.

Mothra: Eraserhead...*bows*

Aizawa: you know...I never thought in my life I'd be working with Gojira...

Gojira: That an insult or a compliment?...

Aizawa: both...

Gojira: That makes two of us...

Aizawa: Hmph..

Mothra: So what's on the agenda?

Aizawa: Well they believe you two should learn the human ways...well mostly Gojira and go on out any crime or villains and apprehend them

Gojira: What? Then why is she here? *points at Mothra*

Aizawa: Well they need someone to chaperone you

Gojira: Huh!?

Godzilla looked at Mothra as she gently turned her head as if she already knew about this.

Gojira: I don't need to be watched! I have enough eyes on me already!?

Aizawa: Well you can either do that or leave I don't care... it's your price, not mine

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