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Julian was biding his fare wishes to Tressy as he sat in the car while Edward just put the suitcases and everything they needed in the car's dickey. Jake has already left the house not before wishing them a happy weekend in Noel's home.

Well, the ride to Novert's was awfully quiet until the Omega started the FM in the Car and started to hum a random song that started to play from the FM. Except that there was not much of any communication between the duo.


Noel and Lily was waiting in the front porch as Edward parked his car. Julian was almost thumping with happiness on seeing his parents. Even if they video calls him everyday and even if its just a 10 minute travel from Edward's to his house, he still missed his parents. And, he don't know why he was so much of excited.

As Julian got out the car, he was engulfed in a tight hug by his mother. While, his father nodded his head at Edward.

"You are looking so pretty! My baby angel!", Lily exclaimed over his shoulders in the hug.

Edward just stood there observing the happy family reunion and he could clearly figure out why the Omega been so much excited. He was continuously waddling about every tiny bit and bit stories on everything happening around him with his mother, while Noel was beside him.

"You seem a lil tensed, young man", Noel said as he observed Lily and Julian entering the house.

"Not at all, Noel. Its just the trainings been a weight upon me", Edward said brushing of the comment that Noel just made.

"Haha! The path to being Future Alpha of this pack will never be easy. Jake has been going through a lot at the time, when he was your age. But then, do you know what pulled him through the hurdles?", he asked turning to look at the Alpha in his eyes.

"The people he calls his home. His Friends and his mate. If you ask your father, he will tell he will not be able to have done anything without Tressy. The love and confidence they have for each other was his foundation", Noel completed his words. Edward just nodded his head in acceptance, cause deep low he know what the older Alpha meant.

The mid morning and snack time passed in a blink with the four indulging in silly to serious talks. It was mostly the trio, while Edward was too in deep observing his Omega so filled with mirth and joy in playing the silly games and silly talks with his parents. Noel and lily also didn't as of much pushed him to talk as they also wanted Edward to be comfortable with them.

Around the eve, he walked into the other's room, while Julian was busy in the garden with his parents. It was the first time, he was having a closer look around in Julian's room even though he had been here more times than he could count.

The bed was laid with pink bedsheets that mostly reminded him of Julian's strawberry scents. There is a corner shelf with lots of book and a table arranged in near having a very beautiful view to the forest behind. The shelves were filled with books of different genre but one of it promptly caught his attention. Cause that was not a fiction but more close to a diary or a journal.

He pulled it from the stack and in the front was written in cursive is, "the people of my life❤️".

He didn't as much opened the book as he heard the footsteps of the Omega, he hurriedly put the book in the suitcase side zip and then made himself look like lying on the bed.

Julian entered the room to see the Alpha lying on the bed and the time as he knew was ticking closer to five.

"You have to leave for your training sessions, right?When will you be back?", Julian asked as he opened the suitcase to pull the tracks and wash cloth of the Alpha for his training session.

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