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Julian's POV

"You are so disgusting that, even your mate will not accept you. Such a pathetic mess",a bully from my high school sneered.
"Why do you treat me like this?", i pleaded with tears brimming his eyes.
"Same question as - why do you exist?
Even the people who used to bully me knew that.

He hates me and i know it.
I can feel it. I can feel his eyes lingering over me, which holds that prudent feeling of hatefulness and disgust. Was it my fault that i was born as a male omega? Was it my fault that i was mated with him out of all people?

I couldn't even hold his gaze with mine, a mere eye contact with him makes me whimpering with submission and pain. His angry pheromones are all over the place that is making me anxious to soothe him out.
"Control yourself! Ed!!", Head Alpha shouted at him. His voice made me to flinch even more. "You are making him discomfortable".
Ed click his tongue in annoyance.
"Well... Its his problem, not mine".
"You cannot work this out with him, with an unbelievable attitude like this. You should just reject him so atleast he could mate with someone else". Alpha stated. Does he meant when he said that, letting me mate with someone other than his son. I know he Cares about me and he is trying to keep me safe but what he doesn't know is my wolf will not be able to live without my Alpha. And i truly hope my Alpha will never allo-
"First of all, i dont want to work anything out with him. The only reason why iam doing this is for my wolf to not have any regrets in future. Because, we both hate such a weakling to be our mate." Was it the words or was it the way he carelessly spitted the words that made my eyes to brim with tears. I could feel a thousand pins piercing my heart. I wiped my eyes with the sleeves of my baggy hoodie.

"Whatever make you sleep in night.", i could hear the Alpha grumpling. "Well, as you both had decided to try out this whole mate thing. Me and Noel has decided to rent out a house near to Josephet , wherein both of you should live together for 3 months and after that still-", he turned his head to Ed and continued "- you decide to reject him. Then, we will go with the pack's rules."
I nodded my head because that's the only thing i could do in this situation. Its already decided to let us live in the rented house for 6 months, because according to theora, my grandmother, closeness will ignite the fire within. I heard that it was deep compelling, Edward has come to agree with this idea but if and only if his conditions are approved. Which includ-
"Any conditions or reminders, both want to put forward?"
"I don't want anyone else to know about this other than the family. And the other things, i will directly speak with him." I know his conditions, that he don't want his parents to know. He stood up and turned to leave as of everything is finished.
But then i raised my hand and whispered - " I t-o-o have a cond-iti-on. ", i said while twisting my sweater sleeves. Edward just glanced at me and left the room before mumbling.
He don't want even to know my decisions and my conditions. Don't cry! Don't cry!Don't cry!
"What's your condition, son?", Alpha Jake prompted me.
"I want to go through my heat alone", I whispered with my head down.
"No, you can't!", Jake exclaimed. "You can't go through your first heat alone. The first heat for omegas especially male omegas is very painful and sensitive, you can't survi-"
" I know! But, i dont want to force him anymore. Taking care of someone who he hates most, i don't want him to go through that. And i myself don't deserve that. I don't know how much painful it can be but inspite of all that let me go through this alone. Iam already a weak wolf in his eyes and i don't ever want him to see me as a burden too because that will be more painful for me. I --", I couldn't complete my words but before that a warmth enveloped me. Jake was releasing soothing pheromones to make me better.
"Shh... Shh.. Its ok. Iam here son. You should calm down.", Alpha Jake was trying to calm me down.
I can never calm myself down. The mere thought of my mate forcing himself to give me sexual pleasure. He is not even a gay, to begin with.
"Noel is never going to be okay with your decision. You know it, right? His world revolves around you. Even your slight discomfort makes him anxious. He never shows it but everything is about you. He said he couldn't come for this discussion, because he will not be able to withstand your sorrow and above all he cares for Ed too. He said he will not be able to see Ed as before if he attend this. But after this, you should have that talk with Noel.", Just as he finished, his phone dinged.
"Its your father, he is waiting downstairs. Like i said, have that talk with your father. And, i want you to be strong and i soon want to see my son wagging his arrogant alpha tail for you." He winked at me.
I chuckled through my tears because thats a thing very much closer to impossible. I will never see that devotion or love in his eyes to me like other mates have for each other.
" Its never gonna happen." I mumbled.
"My instincts says to me otherwise.", he answered back.
I believe in reality not Instincts.
"Alpha, i want you to make me a promise that whatever pain i go through, i want to go through my heat alone in the heat-dungeon in the pack house. I don't want anyone's help. When the time comes, i want you to ensure it. Please. I will ask appa to make the same promise for me." I said him.
After a brief moment in his thoughts, he finally nodded his head.
"Yes. When the time comes, i will ensure it".
He then walked me downstairs where i saw my appa leaning against a piller. Its the first time, i saw him after i met my mate.
I ran towards him into his arms. Like always, he catched me in his big arms and hugged me like as to shield me from the world.
"Lets go, my moon", my father murmured as he carried me to our car.
Today was questionably one of the most horrible and painful day of my life. But in his arms, like this, finally i could feel some light in the darkness, some relief from pain. I closed my eyes, so i could cherish this moment before leaving with my don't-want-me mate tomorrow.
I felt a small kiss on my forehead which in ways assured me that everything is going to be alright, when nothing is really alright.
I wish i could be surrounded by this warmth always.
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