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"Jul? You seem to be in a nice mood today," Jake said from the dining table, looking over at the Omega happily munching on the breadcrumbs.

"It might be because of my irresistible morning breakfast," Tressy skidded as she sat closer to Julian, planting a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Oh! Not again... Mom!" Edward exclaimed as he jumped down the steps to take the seat next to his father, earning a glare from his mother.

"I was just thinking about today's meeting with Mom and Dad. But, Tressy's breakfast also made the joy inside a little bit more fruitful," Julian added, glancing from Jake to Tressy.

"You staying here for the night?" Jake inquired as he looked at his son. Edward hesitated, glancing at the Omega, wondering if Julian wanted to be alone for the day.

"Even if you are staying, don't skip training. We have combat sessions arranged today," Jake reminded, kissing Tressy and Julian on the cheeks before leaving the table. Edward nodded in affirmation and started his breakfast.

"Then, I will get ready," Julian informed, leaving the mother and son at the table.

"You are not staying for the night?" Tressy asked, pouring orange juice for her son. "What if he needs some space from me? I don't want to invade that. I will return by the night," Edward said, dodging his mother's scrutinizing eyes.

"Listen here, my son! If he needs space, he is going to tell you that! Don't overanalyze the situation. The last thing on his mind might be the space you mentioned. Spend the night. Try to be a part of things and people he adores the most in his life. Lilly really misses you; she sees you as her other son! Oh... What am I saying? You know that better than me! After breakfast, get your bag ready to leave. Get out of my house!"

Edward smiled as he watched his mother leave the dining hall for the kitchen.

It took nearly an hour on to choose the dress Julian going to wear for the day. He been waiting for the day to visit his parents. He at once want to make his parents realize that their son is happy, cause Julian had been seeing it for himself, how his parents were fighting of their tears and worries of his life. How they were feeling helpless in every minute of what he been going through.

It felt him in real awe as he gone through every article of clothing that Tressy and Frenny has picked up for him. But, what he didn't observed in midst the tryout was the Alpha who was struck in the door way, watching over his pretty omega.

Julian was in a mid thigh blue dress, having a back knot untied falling carelessly on his flawless skin, exposing the fair skin on his back. His smooth taintless skin was radially contrasting the dark blue shade of the summer dress. Edward has his eyes grazing over the bare back of his omega. Smooth and tender, like it will hurt the other even as if he dares to touch.

Soft and beautiful.

The Alpha wordlessly thought to himself as he continued to slant against the door with his gaze observing even the tiniest movements from Julian.

Julian was too excited about their visit to his parent's house. He been missing them so much. The head Alpha wasn't wrong at all, when he mentioned about his good mood - cause he been in a good mood from the morning. He selectively chose the blue mid dress, to look pretty for his parents but the back knot of the dress was making him disturbed. He let it untied loose as how many times he tried, he couldn't get it right and then finally thought of asking Tressy with the knot.

The Omega twirled in front of the mirror brushing his hair, which he observed has grown down to his ears and is in need to be primed. But in the midst of all this excitement, what he failed to see was the vicious pair of eyes that were following his every move. Julian was to walk out of the room to Tressy, but then he saw the Alpha.

Edward coughed and forcefully trained his eyes outside the window when Julian suddenly turned, crossly meeting his eyes. But, the forceful gaze with a strained expression really put out a fire inside Jul's eyes. He couldn't see neither a lovely gaze nor a admiring look from his Alpha. In his memory, Edward was not in any moment attracted to him or his body. He had never looked at him as he wanted to devour him (as Frenny says that's how mate bond works). And he knows, how the Alpha has seen him completely bare during his heat. To Edward, it might all be not new scene. Julian turned aback with sudden turning emotions, cause deep inside he wanted his Alpha to be all over him.

Look at him intensely.
Yearn for him.
Admire him.
Be protective of him.
Not in this life!

"Can you help me with this knot?", Julian asked as it was the most normal thing to ask. Cause, Edward been struck in the way, and it will not hurt his pride to help him with the knot.


Julian turned to look over his Alpha, who has his vision concentrated on him, puzzled and taken a back. "Oh! If you are uncomfortable, i will ask Tressy to help", Julian mumbled slowly as he clutched the dress closely to his body, taking the steps to pass Alpha. But, that didn't took him further, as he was stopped with a hand infront of him. He looked at Edward with a questioning look but then, he was turned with his exposed back facing the Alpha.

"Who said iam uncomfortable? Don't put out words for me...", Edward whispered closer to his ears earning a shivering goosebumps on all his body. But it was just the beginning, as Edward slided his hands on his back, as he played with the ribbon in between his fingers to tie the knot, with hot breath hitting behind his ear, the Omega was blooming like red roses. The red hues filling upto his cheek and neck, he was becoming a sight to adore.

Don't act up! It was my idea to ask him for help, but then, what am i getting out of the control for. But, i never thought his one touch literally had the strength to wither me down. But, is it just for me?

The Alpha pulled Julian closer with the untied satin ribbons as much the smootg creamy butter was closer to his vicinite touch of his palm. His thumb traced the dip and bones on his back, adorning the way his body was filling with goose bumps as soon his finger touched the sensitive body.

Sensitive and needy. Just like how he was during his heat... Wait! What?

Edward carefully pulled the ribbon to adjust the tightness to his body, "Is it okay?", the hot breath directly gushing to Julian's earlobes. Julian squeaked as he turned to look at the Alpha in a puzzled expression, "Wh-what?"

"Should i make lil more tight?", Edward asked as now they had only inches distance separating their eyes and lips. Edward was falling into the depths of the beautiful black eyes infront of him, it felts like his eyes holding a lots of stories to tell. Stories to be shared to him.

"I-ts okay", Julian turning away his head, interuppting the Alpha's thoughts. Edward tied the knot without much thoughts indulging his mind, cause he knew - more into the paved way - he will do something, that he is going to regret a lot later. Julian moved away from him when Edward tied the knot.

Oh boy! Edward was far too gone when he saw how beautiful the omega was. With the tiny stringent of control, his eyes were unknowingly following the other's movements, like how he was now focussed on keeping the books in his bag. He shooked his head as he moved to the cupboard to take his clothes for the night, which he stuffed inside the suitcase kept on the bed.

"What are you doing?", Julian asked glaring at the way Edward was bunching his clothes to the suitcase.

"You can't do that! Why can't you keep it in after folding?"

"But-", Edward started but was stopped too soon, when Julian pulled the Shirt out his hand to fold it very neatly to a pile.

"Is that all you need?", Julian asked as he got through the clothes he has now folded to the heap.

Edward nodded his head, observing his mate now busy infront of the mirror, brushing his hair. "Then, i will wait downstairs...", He said as he left the room with the packed suitcase not forgetting to look at his mate again, cause he couldn't believe that beautiful person is his mate and how could he even think of hurting him.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter❤️
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