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"Theodore?" I said intrigued by his sudden presence.

Was I dreaming-first thought that popped up in my head. I checked the time in my phone from the bedside table. It was 7:30 p.m. in the evening.

He stood up and came to stand at the edge of my bed. He was standing exactly opposite to me where I was sitting.

"You can never take care of yourself, can you?" He shrugged.

"What are you doing here?" I raved.

"I came to meet you. I couldn't stop myself. I love you and I just can't deny this fact. I missed you so much. I am so sorry, I left you all alone. I am sorry for everything I did in the last few days."

Tears came rolling down my eyes. He came and hugged me, wiped all my tears away.

"Shh! You don't have to cry now, baby. I am here and am not going anywhere now."


"Yes, yes promise. I will never leave you. I will always keep you. I will never give up on you."

He kissed my forehead and asked, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Then let me get you something to eat, okay. You take rest."

He laid me back on the bed and covered me with the blanket. I looked at him. He smiled and left the room.

I looked at my phone again to check the time. It was more than an hour, since Theo left to get me something to eat. I slipped out of the bed and made my way to the kitchen.

I couldn't find him there. After that, I checked him in every room but he was missing. There was no one except me in the house. I took my phone to call him but his contact wasn't there. How was that possible because I didn't deleted it?

Well, I didn't needed his contact. I knew his number so I dialled.

'The number you are calling does not exist.'

What? This isn't possible. Where did he go?

"Theodore!" I called out but no response.

"Theodore!" Still nothing.

"Alice!" I turned to the source of voice.

"Oh Thankgod! Theo! I thought you left."

"I have! I have already left you. Bye!" and he walked out the door.

"Theo? Wait! Theo! Don't leave me. Not you, after mom. After dad. Please stay!" I couldn't help my tears. He said he'll never leave me. He said he'll always love me. He said he'll never give upon me. He promised me everything he didn't mean." He was gone. I was all alone, all by myself again.

"Theo!" I cried.

"Alice? Alice are you okay? Get up! Its just a nightmare. Everything is okay! Get up and look." I was taken out to the reality.

Reality was just the same as the nightmare I had. Theo was gone. Mom was gone and so was dad.

I opened my eyes to the fluorescents in my room. Susan, Agnès, Hans and Allan were all around me. Susan was sitting next to me. Everyone looked worried. Neil was missing. I tried to find him but he was no where to be seen.

"Neil had a family emergency. His uncle who stays here in NY, is in the hospital so he's gone there, if you are looking for him." Agnès told.

"Are you okay?" Allan asked.

I nodded a yes.

"What happened?" I tried recalling and remembered Rodgers lying on the floor with bleeding nose.

"Nothing. You fainted as we came out of that asshole's office. Alice, you don't have to worry. I have taken this matter to the college community and they will take care of him now. Just forget everything. Oh! And here." He handed me over an envelope from his jeans's pocket.

"Appointment letter?" I quizzed.

"Yes." He smiled.

"I'll get you something to eat." Susan patted my hand and got up.

"I'll come with you." Agnès followed her.

"Hey, you okay now?" Hans came and sat next to me. I smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I am alright. Thanks to Allan. He came right on time." I motioned with my eyes towards him.

"There was a reason why I was asking you to let me go and get the letter,but you, you are so stubborn." Allan sat on the couch where I dreamt Theo sitting and smiling. Allan reminded me more of him.

"I heard you kicked him?" Hans asked amazed.

"Kick? She swore that if he ever tried it again she would make him impotent." Allan laughed.

"Please, don't embarass me. That was just a reflex. Moreover, he deserved that from someone. So I did the honours."

"You never believed us when we told you about him." Hans said.

"I thought they were rumours until today."

"Hans!" Agnès called him from the kitchen.

"Go, your baby is calling you. She might be in need of some help as she has Susan with her." I teased him.

"Then I should better be going! You guys talk. I'll catch you later." Hans left me alone with Allan - a guy who resembled my gone love.

I checked my phone and there were replies from Theo from the morning messages and the picture.

Theodore: Why do you think I never loved you? What should I say now?

Theodore: Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow about it.

I replied him even though he wasn't online.

Alice: What will you talk about Mr. Theodore Davis Bentley? Though, I love to hear when you have something to talk about!

Theodore: Okay. Sorry! My mistake that I said I'll talk about it. I won't.

"I am sorry to hear about you and Theodore." Allan spoke suddenly making me realise he wa still there.

"Huh? How do you know about that?"

"I just came to know."

"How? Allan tell me one thing. Do you know Theo? I mean personally? Have you met him or anyway related to him?" I couldn't keep the questions that were in my mind I don't know since how long.

"Why would you say that?"

"You don't answer someone's questions with a question, Allan!"

"I am just curious. What makes you say this?"

"What makes me say this? Because I want to know if you've any idea how similar you look to Theodore?"

"Theodore Davis Bentley!" He spoke his name as if he knew him very well.

"You know him, don't you?"

"Yes, I do!"

"How?" His answer surprised me. Although, I somewhere had a feeling that he was in someway related to him.

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