Chapter 3 : Misunderstanding

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Your POV :
Cerise was Walking around the school campus, finding herself inside the Botanical Garden filled with Different Plants, and Greens until she saw Raven who was also looking around

Cerise : Morning Raven!
Raven : Well good morning to you too Cerise, How are you holding up?
Cerise : I'm doing , Well I do hope the others can come back here..
Raven : wha-

Raven was not able to finish her word  the two of them were walking and exploring around campus, as they reach the Botanical Garden they both saw Yuu and Grim with Cerise man- *ahem* Housewarden, Leona kingscholar

Leona : Che. There isn't an ounce of magic anywhere.
Yuu : I wash and shower everyday!
Grim : Ekkk! Who is this brute anyway!?

Cerise seeing that felt something stir. And Raven was watching them with a dumbfounded look

Cerise : (what's this I am feeling...?)
Raven : *looks at Cerise and saw her Face and then Smiles smugly* Soo~~ Cerise..
Cerise : What? *snaps out of her daze*
Raven : Are you sure you are ok?
Cerise : what, Of course I am...!

Raven knew in an instant that the Wolf girl had a Teeny tiny Crush On Leona kingscholar
Well, both thinking they weren't caught they were complete wrong..

Leona : Oi, What are you two doing here?
Raven : !!! Oh my Fairy godmother mother!
Leona : Hah?
Raven : Nothing, but how did you spot us?
Leona : Cerise.
Cerise : m-me?
Leona : I asked her to come here, she still owes me a Favor.
Cerise : oh- Right...

Someone from the distance yelled both Cerise and Leona's Name, it was Ruggie Bucchi

Ruggie : Cerise! Leona! Come on, Cerise you need to have a tour of the form, Leona you have remedial classes.
Leona : Che- no way I am going- *Right Ear gets pulled, he side eye and saw the glare that cerise was making, it made him Quiet.

Cerise : Leona.
Leona : ...................... Fine.

Leona Deadpans as Ruggie was left dumbfounded as he would always have to dragg Leona Butt to Remedial Class, and was Thankful for Cerise

Raven : Well, Cerise you go and Handle that while, Me, Grim and Yuu are gonna look for some stuff's it was....
Yuu : It was Gloves and Buckets/Buckets and Some gloves [Choose]
Raven : Yea- those... See ya!

Cerise Waved Bye to Cerise as Leona and Ruggie were in front of her, Ruggie was having his two hands behind his Head and Leona just standing there with his arms crossed and All three started walking, Ruggie was making jokes which makes Cerise laugh a bit and then scowling...

Yuu and Raven were left behind and on the way back they started Talking, Grim was Spouting Nonsense and they met up with the Adeuce combo

Ace : Yo-.....
Deuce : ...........
Grim : why are guys just standing there looking dumb.
Deuce : Q-queen sama..... -
Raven : Just call me Raven... It's kind of weird being respected here as Even if I am a Rebel..
Ace : Rebel?
Raven : ah... Well...

The White kingdom is a Fantastic and Magicak Kingdom of where Snow White and Prince Charming got married and ruled together, Having a Child named Apple White and she was a Royal, a Royal is someone who has a Happily ever after at the end of their story, whilst the Rebels...... Are people who DON'T get a Happily Ever after as we call it "Unhappily Ever after" The Royals are much more respected in our school rather then most Rebels, Some Rebels accept their Destiny, and some don't.... And I am a Rebel...

Raven : and Yeah! That's basically all of it.
A, D, G, Yuu : Woah/That's kind of Unfair/....
Raven : why are guys so quiet? Hahahaha
Ace : well, for starters, it's that because you are A ROYAL Blood, and they assigned you as a "Rebel"!?
Raven : uh huh.. Cerise is also a Rebel if you are gonna ask..
Grim : So Basically, Royals are Respected and Rebels are not?
Yuu : Yes Grim/Did you even listen? [choose]
Deuce : Not to mention, your Mother is very well Respected around here... Well in this world.
Raven : yeah, it's surprising actually..

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