Uncontrollable change

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My hair was a mess as soon as got up from my bed, I walked to the mirror and groaned as I saw my ugly reflection staring back at me. I put it up in a pony tail and walked down the spiral staircase. the house smelled of bacon and the best smoothie in the world. I said hi to my little brother as he ignored me to play his little violent death game. I never knew why mom and dad got him that game, as when he first got it he had a major nightmare about it. I walked to the kitchen an it smelled even more of bacon.

"Hey, honey good morning." my dad, Zachary, said already in his business suit.

"Hey. I thought you didn't work today?" I said through a yawn.

"Got called in. Sorry. Got to go, but have a good day at your first day of school and lunch is in the fridge. Love you both!" he said as he picked up his jacket and keys and got out the door.

"Okay." I said back and looked at the clock. 7:45.

"OH SHIT!" I yelled as I ran back up the stairs to get dressed.

I threw on a pair of ratty pants and shirt put on high top converse and practically rolled down the stairs. I slung my bag around my shoulder put my hair up in an even messier bun. I grabbed some bacon said goodbye to my brother and ran out the door.

By the time I got to my bike and ate my 1 piece of bacon it was 7:55. Great I was going to be late on my first day of my fourth year at Napa High. Just as I was about to get on and go I saw my best friend, Evie pull up with her mom and say, "Do you want a ride? and btw you look trashed." "Ha. Ha. thanks." I say as I get in the back seat.

We get to school just in time to run and check to see what homeroom we got and get there. We were breathless when we ran in the door. Everyone was looking at us. We found two empty seats in the back as the teachers were handing out schedules. "Nixxie Santos." The teacher called. "Over here!" I yelled back.
"Here." She said blankly. "Geez she's a bummer." Said my best friend Evie. She's a cool girl. She's been my best friend since 7th grade and she has always been there for me through a lot and now we are in high school. She's 5'2" with short black hair and really outgoing with herself.

"Hey what classes did you get?" She asked taking the paper from me.
1st period- gym
2nd period- biology
3rd period-history
4th period-english
5th period-math
6th period-French 2
7th period-choir

"Wow. You got gym first. Sucks very badly." She said trying so hard not to laugh. She got hers next then she banged her head on the table.
She groaned very loudly so the class decided to look back to see if it was a whale or not.

I grabbed her paper and we had the very same classes together. That was one plus. Gym was not going to be one. By the end of the day I was doing okay except that I have to deal with my ex boyfriend Cam every day now that I got him in every class except for gym thankfully. And history. Evies mom dropped us off at my house so we could hang then later go to the mall.

~~~~~~~~MORE SOON! HOPE YOU LIKE IT~~~~~~~~~

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