Preoccupation #8 English

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After the fight with Yeynos, Louis and Kassie were talking as they headed to Professor Maxwell's house.

I recently acted like Captain Mei when she bothered me with Louis... I don't want to do that again... I have to help Louis [Kassie thought as she walked next to Louis].

Are you okay with Yeynos? [Kassie asked].

Yeah... I wish we had caught him... [expresses a little disappointment]
I Notice that he wasn't serious... Just like us... And now that I think about it, if he could leave at any moment, why did he stay? [Louis said seriously].

Kassie thought for a moment and responded.

He probably wanted information from everyone... Now he knows a lot [Kassie said].

I hope we can do what is necessary next time [Louis said seriously].

I have to change the subject [Kassie thought].
Louis... When did you meet Xitlari? [She asked with a small smile on her face].

Eh... Well... I just met her today [Louis expressed while touching his head with a little embarrassment].

Oh really?! She [she said surprised while Louis answered yes].

Love at first sight... [Kassie thought melancholy].

What did you feel when you saw her? [Kassie asked].

Well... I felt very surprised when I saw her and I felt... Something strange in my stomach and when she spoke to me... I got very nervous [Louis answered confused].

I see... You remind me of my brother... [Kassie said looking up at the sky].

Your brother?

Yes... You are very similar to him... But I am only talking about how you are... Not about your physique [Kassie expressed melancholy and sadness].

Did something happen to him? [Louis asked, noticing his sadness].

He was murdered by Ramir... A murderer who killed for fun [said with anger and frustration].

I'm so sorry... I'm sure you miss him a lot [Louis said regretfully].

Enough talking about sad things... [Kassie shook her head and asked] What do you plan to do about your feelings for Xitlari?

I don't know... I never felt that way about anyone... [Louis expressed with a confused face].

The first thing is to get close to her... The bad thing is that she is very lonely... [Kassie said while thinking] You could try to go to the investigation center and try to talk to her... Normally she is there all the time.

I'm going to try it [Louis expresses determined].

Very good Louis! [she said smiling and patting her back a little] I would just tell you to be yourself because if a person doesn't like the real you, then they are not the one... Oh and try not to be so obvious with your feelings at first or you will ruin it, it will be difficult to touch the heart of a person like Xitlari [he said with confidence and assurance in his words].

Have you already been in a relationship before? [Louis asked].

Yes, it's been a while, but in the end it didn't work [Kassie said regretfully] well... if you need more help, let me know. See you tomorrow [express separating from Louis].

Goodbye and thank you [Louis said gratefully].

No problem [he said walking away].

What a day... [Louis expresses sighing].

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