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Akela POV

  As I got farther and farther away from the cave opening my eyes widened as I looked at the damage the rain had done to the forest.


  Sia said in my head and it really was 'woah'. The forest was flooded, twigs floating in the water and many young or thin trees had fallen with the strong winds. No animals to see in sight which made me huff but maybe I could find a fallen nest with eggs. Apart from fruits that I got in the forest, eggs were another non-meat option. And since birds usually had more than one, 4 eggs could count as a small meal if I got lucky to find a nest.

I zipped up my jacket as I stepped into the floods, the cold breeze blew through the forest making the branches of the trees shake which made the leaves drop water onto me. I slipped my hands into my short's pockets to keep them warm. To bad this jacket didn't have a hoodie that's would help me stay warmer.

My stomach rumbled, all this walking was making me tired and making Sia restless. She kept whining and she wasn't even the one who had to walk! Yeah I liked the outdoors, dirt and stuff but under my feet were sore from walking on pebbles on and sticks and I couldn't even see it because of the dirty, mucky water!

 "who's the whiney baby now?" Sia teased as she giggled.

 I growled lowly and huffed sitting down on a high tree root which was damp, making my shorts wet.  I watched as ants swam in the water trying to catch themselves on a floating leaf.  I smiled softly as a leaf fell onto my lap, picking it up I studied its color. Maybe I could be a vegetarian werewolf, I thought as I was broken out of my thoughts.

 I smelt a scent. Not just any scent but a werewolf scent. That's when I realized how far away from the cave I was. I then heard a growl and my eyes snapped to a big, white wolf. 

" friend?" I heard Sia ask softly as her voice trembled.

 With its scary appearance that was no friend. It bared its teeth at me dripping red blood that run down its white fur. Its ears were chipped and scars run on its body. I whimpered as it took a step closer, maybe i should shift?

" yes! yes pleasee, i promise ill run fast" Sia begged.

I had no other choice, my human form wouldn't've been able to out run a grown wolf,  just as I started shifting it pounced onto me grabbing my leg. I screamed as its teeth stuck into me adding more pain as my bones cracked. It had been so long that i had shifted and adrenaline ran through Sia's tiny body as she took control.

 Now that i was fully shifted my hind leg hurt and Sia whimpered as the wolf put its entire body weight on her. I could feel her trembling as blood ran through her veins and her heart pumped faster. As the wolf let out pheromones and darted its mouth to our neck Sia quickly crawled out from under it. 

  In that same second  Sia manages to wriggle free from beneath the weight of the beast's massive body. I could feel her heart pounding in fear. She sprinted through the forest whimpering as the sound of branches breaking behind us that was caused by the big, white wolf. She whimpered her bones ached and her hind leg hurt even more as she put weight on it using it to run faster and through the bushes trying to escape. 

 What felt like hours was probably only a few minutes of running, releasing scared pheromones as she darted under a thorn bush. The wolf growled looking for us sniffing the ground. Scared, Sia went flat down on her belly trying the best to cover us in the bushes. Thank merlin that our fur coat was a dark brown and that the forest was dark with the dark grey clouds that hovered above the trees.

 Just thinking about the rain, it started to rain just as the wolf started approaching  the thorn bush. Just then Sia whimpered which alerted the wolf that we were hiding there, but as the rain drops fell on the wolf's fur it whimpered and took steps back as it growled at us again and dashed out of our sight.

 What the heck just happened I thought as Sia keeps whimpering as thorns prick her paws. Slowly and carefully she crawled out of the bush. Smelling the new atmosphere she looked around. What was only about 8minutes of running took us as far as 35 miles. Now we were hungry, lost and hurt. 

  We were now in a larger forest, the dirt was damp and the trees had large stems and the branches were spread wide... I think they were called  oak trees and Alaska cedar trees. I had no clue where we were but we needed to find a farther place to hide, just incase the wolf came back.

We were miles away from our hideout, it's not like Sia could run back because she had no clue where she'd ran from. Where was I going to find clothes to shift back into? I guess being a wolf for a bit couldn't be that bad. I can't imagine how much my leg would hurt if I shifted back into human form now. Heck it might even be broken. If I stayed as a wolf it would heal faster. That's if I had even nutrients and food or whatever to help the healing process.

Sia huffed as I mentioned food. This was the thing that brought us inro this whole mess. Shelter however I wasn't worried about, since we were small and the oak trees were so huge,  we could probably fit in under the larger roots or in an animals den under it.

We walked around more, I know we should've probably been resting just incase the bad wolf came back. Although it was raining still and I believe it was scared of the rain. That was stupid though, why would you be afraid of such a thing. Rain? Really..maybe water but the ground was already wet so probably wasn't that.

About 15 minutes past and the terrain under us got dryer so I guess that was a good sign. Sia got thirsty a few minutes ago so now we're just looking for a lake or pond..even a puddle would do. We just tried to get used to our surroundings, although it was kinda scary because after that attack Sia was frightened by any and every rustle of a leaf. I tried to reassure her that we were far enough but she still kept whimpering. I didn't want to snap at her like last time because I know she would probably make me shift back and I wasn't ready for that yet. I was quite enjoying resting, just looking through my own eyes if that made sense.

After a few hours, the sky had cleared up, and now night fall had started. The moon wasn't full, but it still glowed over the forest, causing shadows to to form and dance along the trees trunks. Sia had sniffed up a small rabbit bureau beneath large tree roots that were covered by a bush so that's where we were right now. Curled up in the tiny hole on a small pile of dead leaves, our eyes started fluttering close to the sound of the breeze rustling through the leaves of trees and bushes and insects within them.

Second chapter done!!:) tell me your thoughts and opinions

Another person will me introduced soon😄


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