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Hello lovelies, I know it has been a very loongggg time. I am sorry. Summer break is finally starting which means I can have more time to write in my books.I hope you enjoy this chapter✨💛🌼

Akela POV

When I woke up the next day I was greeted with the room dimly litted. The curtains were not drawn therefore only a bit of sun could travel through. I sat up carefully on the bed, dropping my legs down to the side. My body still ached but not as much as my first day here.

I got off the bed slowly making sure I had complete balance before i took my first step. The tiles were smooth and cold, a feeling I got used to as I made my way to the semi-large, long window on the opposite side of the room. I moved the long draping curtains to the side, so that I would have a better view of the sun rising.

It had been a few minutes of me tip toeing carefully looking out through the glass. I was in a castle, the vampire castle infact. It was surrounding my large plains with a few tall trees and tall grass. There were no creatures, then again I was in vampire territory this wasn't an unclaimed forest filled with wildlife. I wanted to go back to nature, I wanted to enjoy myself, with Sia ofcourse. As much as I disliked her sometimes, I really missed her. I needed to get her back no matter the way.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as the curtains were pulled aside once again revealing Delphina. I acknowledged her with a small smile and she delivered one back, her presence felt calming beside me. My mind drifted off again and I though about Sia. Would i ever get her back? Surely I could not stay without a wolf if I was a werewolf, right?

"Will i get my wolf back?" I asked worriedly, looking at my fingers as they held the windowsill. A little more determined I looked up and asked again, "When will I get my wolf back?" Her eyes met mine and I tried to read them, however I couldn't. She looked lost in though trying to find the words she wanted to say before she spoke, "Little one I do not know... This is the first time a were wolf has stumbled into our territory, your peoples land is quite far away"

I broke our eye contact and looked down, her words left me with no hope, even some anger stirred up in me. The term "your people's" annoyed me. They were far from my people and I would never go back to that life of being in a community with them. Her choice of words lingered on me still, she was talking to me as if i was a child. I was a twenty-three year old woman, probably not close to her age but i was old enough to be given respect. My eyebrows furrowed. "Why do you insist on belittling me?" I asked, my tone a bit firmer than normal. She looked confused. "Pardon?" she said softly, II could tell she looked down at me, i could feel her stare. "You call me these stupid pet names for children, you feed me like a child and you act cautious with me like a dainty object," I say a frown on my face as I looked up to meet her eyes.

She looked somewhat shocked, taken a back I should say at my tone or choice of words. I looked at her waiting for an answer. "Are you not a child?" she questioned looking seriously confused. "Excuse me!" I said raising my voice, what would even make her think that. As is she read my mind she responded," Your height, look , built, the way you respond to my care darl-.. Akela, it is all that resembles a child, the wards reported even your wolf was a puppy," she said sounding in disbelief. " But you never cared to ask, didn't you." I accused snappily, my hands at my side now fisted with anger. I was an independent wolf, not a puppy. I needed no care. She looked at me, her face now frowning. " I am sorry Akela, I did not mean to belittle you or make you feel uncomfortable..but why did you travel so far and enter our territory, where is your pack?" she asked confused. " I do not need a pack. I am a lone wolf and I enjoy it like that," I mumbled leaving the part out where I ran away and strolled too far away from my hideout.

I looked away feeling bad now, I should have never snapped at her, she has only been trying to help me get better. Before I could apologize she started speaking. " I am sorry for all of this Akela, I never meant to stir up anything.. your breakfast will be served shortly, just say my name if you need anything," she said, her voice sounding gloomy. Before I could respond she backed away in a corner and disappeared into the shadows.

I felt so guilty. I hated that feeling, I had felt it for most of my life. From just a small child I was reminded to feel guilty about supposedly being the cause of my parents death. I hated myself, I always had to make good things go wrong. Even the kindest of people, like Delphina, I could sadden. I felt that familiar lump in my throat and my eyes stinged with salty tears. My legs trembled and I slid down the floor to put my head between my knees trying to forget these thoughts.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)

I tried to develop more plot and I think I did pretty well!

Please comment and vote, have a great day!💛🐺🌻

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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