2. He named her

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Zahran hesitated for a moment as he saw her. She was without a scarf. Zahran lowered his gaze and turned, his back now towards her. He loudly called bibi.

Bibi emerged from the kitchen. "Yes, baba, what's the matter?"

"Take the madam to the room."

Bibi guided her to the room. Zahran took a deep breath and headed towards the room.

The girl observed everyone and everything with puzzled eyes.

"Where am I?" she asked again in English.

In Bangladesh, Sylhet is also referred to as Mini London because a majority of Sylhet's residents live in the UK. Zahran's parents were also from Sylhet, and after settling in the UK, he was born there. That's why ,no one was surprised to hear the girl speak English. From her haircut and British accent, Zahran guessed that she might also be from the UK.

"Miss, you had an accident, and we found you on a riverbank," Zahran replied in English. He wasn't looking at the girl; his religious beliefs didn't permit him to gaze at non-mahram females. He had recently become more serious about his religion.


"Miss, if you kindly tell me your name or your family address, then maybe we can help you."

"My name?" The girl paused, trying to remember, but she couldn't recall a single word. "What's my name?" she asked.

This time Zahran looked at the girl. She seemed clearly confused and scared. "I don't remember my name. Who am I?"

"Ah..." She held her head, appearing on the verge of a headache.

"Bibi, take care of her. I'll call the doctor," Zahran said, dialing the doctor's number.


The doctor arrived and examined the girl. She was unconscious. He had already given her some medicines, and for this reason, she was now sleeping peacefully.

"Due to her head injury, it's quite possible that she has lost all her memories."

"What?" Zahran was shocked. He had hoped that once she recovered, finding her name or her family's whereabouts would be easy. However, it seemed like it was going to be extremely difficult.

"She's lucky that she survived and can walk and talk. Otherwise, people with such injuries are either paralyzed or comatose," the doctor said. He started packing his bags and continued, "She needs to rest and be monitored. We'll need to do some more tests to see how severe her amnesia is."

Zahran nodded, worried about the girl. He didn't know what would happen to her if she didn't remember her name or her family.

Zahran came outside with the doctor.

"You should not pressure her to recall her past. It can damage her health further."

"Doctor, when will her memories be back?"

"We can't say. It can come in one day, one week, one month, one year, or it can never come," the doctor replied. Zahran paid his fees, and when Bibi came outside, he said, "Once she wakes up, make sure you feed her dinner."

He was about to leave when he stopped and paused, "Make sure that she doesn't come in front of the male servants. Also, don't allow any male servants to go near her. Not even Raihan," Zahran ordered, and Bibi nodded.

"Always accompany her. Never leave her. Your only responsibility is to look after that girl," he added and left his villa.


"So, how long do you plan on staying here?" Raihan asked, sipping his tea. His eyes were fixed on the tv screen.

Zahran, seated across from Raihan, set down his cup and replied, "Until we figure out her name and home address, and she safely returns home."

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