3.Tying the knot

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Days passed. In just a few days, she completed reading the entire English translation of the Quran. And the Quran had transformed her completely. She, who used to carelessly drape her scarf, now embraced it. She started praying Namaz with Bibi. Zahran had gifted her a smart phone. She researched extensively on Islam on the internet. Every question lingering in her mind was gradually answered. She learned that a Muslim is someone who submits entirely to the will of God. Allah is one and there is no one like Him. He sent numerous prophets to guide humanity, and this chain concluded with the last Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Quran, revealed to him, would be the guide for humans and jinn until the Day of Judgment, along with the teachings of the Prophet (peace be upon him). This world is nothing but a test. Those who do good will enter paradise for eternal life, and those who choose the path of sin will be cast into the eternal fire of hell.

She wasn't sure if she had been Muslim before, but she decided to embrace Islam. She grasped the concept of Tawheed. Tahira recited the Kalma she found on the internet:

"Ash-hadu Ann Laa Ilaaha Ill-Allah" (I bear witness that there is no true god but Allah) "Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadun Abduhu wa Rasooluhu" (And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger).

And she became a Muslim.


Zahran returned from Dhaka, burdened by worries. The uncertainty of his future in the UK gnawed at him, as did the weight of financial constraints. His father, a successful businessman, owned restaurants, a shopping mall in the UK, and numerous resorts in Sylhet. As his father's sole heir, Zahran was destined to inherit it all.

Yet, his father's pleas for Zahran to return and manage the family business fell on deaf ears. Zahran was reluctant to leave Sylhet. As he approached his villa, his eyes caught sight of someone tending to the garden.

Completely veiled, the figure poured water onto the plants, lost in their work, unaware of Zahran's presence. Bibi, seeing Zahran, beamed with joy. They exchanged greetings.

"Bibi," Zahran inquired, "who is in the garden?"

"Ah, that's Tahira madam," Bibi replied, a smile gracing her lips. "Allah has guided her. She's changed completely, even started wearing the veil. Such a lovely girl, she is."

Zahran was taken aback. He had forgotten about Tahira entirely, and seeing her now, transformed, filled him with both surprise and a strange sense of happiness.


Tahira stood in the kitchen, acutely aware of Zahran's presence in the villa. The mere thought of his sent her heart a racing. She yearned to catch a glimpse of him, to exchange a word, she held back. What right did she have to approach him?

With a sigh, she focused on the task at hand. On the stove, a pot of water simmered, soon bubbling to a boil. She added fresh tea leaves, then milk and sugar, crafting a steaming cup of tea. Handing it to Bibi, she spoke softly, "Please give this to Zahran."

Bibi took the cup and swiftly made her way to the study, where Zahran sat immersed in work. As she entered and offered the tea, the fragrant aroma broke his concentration and instantly lifted his spirits.

"Did you make this tea?" he inquired, taking a grateful sip. The warmth spread through him, soothing his stress.

"No, madam did," Bibi replied with a smile.

Zahran closed his eyes, savoring the rich flavor.

"It's excellent," Zahran declared. "Please convey my thanks to her."

Back in the kitchen, Tahira quietly assisted Bibi. Though initially unfamiliar with household chores, she learned quickly under Bibi's patient guidance. Each task mastered brought a quiet smile to Tahira's lips, a sense of accomplishment blooming within her.

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