6. Love blossomed

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Days passed like this.

Zahran had gone to work. After Zahran left, Fatiha went back to upstairs. When she came down, she was surprised to see a new face greeted her, replacing the familiar one of Maya.

"Ma'am," the young woman began with a smile, "I'm Lara, your new housemaid. Maya had to leave for personal reasons, so I'm here to look after you now."

Fatiha's initial surprise quickly gave way to intrigue. Over the next few days, Lara's presence became a welcome addition to the household. Her efficiency was undeniable, her movements precise and practiced.


Fatiha had met Zahran's parents and his relatives, and they were in absolute awe of her. Even Zahran was impressed with how she conducted herself with everyone, especially when his family was not that practicing. He was skeptical if Fatiha, with her tender age, could adjust herself. However, she completely won everyone's hearts through kindness, love, and respect. Although some of the relatives had tried to demoralize her because she was wearing the veil and adamant not to free mix with male relatives, she remained steadfast and paid no attention to their bitter words or taunting.

From old to young, everyone loved and admired her.

As they returned to their mansion, Zahran couldn't help but marvel at her. "You were incredible," he admitted, walking beside her. "I didn't expect you to handle them all so effortlessly."

Fatiha grinned, her eyes sparkling. "Did you see how fluent I was in Bangla?"

Zahran chuckled. "Yes, you're a quick learner. You spoke like a native."

"It was wonderful, having a family," she chirped, her voice tinged with newfound joy. "A completely different experience."

Suddenly, her smile faltered. A shadow crossed her face, dimming her cheer. Zahran noticed the shift instantly.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked, concern lacing his voice. He squeezed her hand, seeking to understand the sudden change in her mood.

"No, I don't think so. But whoever it is was really close to my heart," she replied, her voice barely a murmur.

Zahran furrowed his brows. Fatiha didn't realize unintentionally what she blurted. She was just sharing her feelings. "Someone who was really close to me in the past. Maybe a friend," she thought. She didn't want to mention any other possibilities.

Zahran sighed and cupped her face, gently forcing her to meet his gaze. "Look at me," he said softly. "If someone was truly close to you, they would have come for you by now. Their absence means they weren't as sincere as you thought. Forget them. Focus on what you have here, on us." he said and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Fatiha closed her eyes and smiled.


As Zahran and Fatiha entered their mansion, their eyes fell upon a single joker card lying conspicuously in the middle of the hallway. It seemed deliberately placed to ensure immediate notice upon their arrival.

Fatiha's curiosity sparked. "What's this?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise. Approaching the card, she picked it up, a flicker of recognition crossing her face. "Isn't this the same joker card from your study in Sylhet? What is it doing here?"

Zahran remained silent, his face betraying no emotion. He reached for the card in Fatiha's hand, taking it from her grasp. With a sudden motion, he crumpled the card in his hand, the action swift and deliberate.

Fatiha's brow furrowed. A sense of unease settled in the pit of her stomach. Something was wrong. Something had happened.

"Zahran," she began, her voice hesitant, "is everything alright?"

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