Chapter 18 : Sequelae of concussion

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Zhan Lichuan was shocked at the words that came out of Jing Qian's mouth.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"An island? A yacht? A planet?" Were these things that a daughter of a small family would say?


"I can understand the island, but why would you need a yacht?"

Jing Qian paused, as she had only bought a yacht in her previous life as an experiment, but this wasn't something that she could say to his face.

"Uh... Well, you can buy a yacht and turn it into a nightclub and invite popular celebrities for a party."

"Who would be providing the flights?"

"You, of course! Well, most of the celebrities that would be at your yacht should be able to afford an airplane, right?"

Zhan Lichuan kept quiet for a short while before answering her question, "Qianqian, I think that you may have a misunderstanding of 'wealthy people.'"

"What misunderstanding?" Jing Qian felt lost.

"Not every wealthy man out there would be able to afford a private plane and is able to spend money on a yacht in the open sea. A lot of people in this world aren't able to afford their own private jets. If we were to fly our own planes to get them, we won't be able to earn much of a profit."

Now it was Jing Qian who turned quiet. She couldn't help but ask, "Is it so necessary to make a profit?"

Zhan Lichuan became speechless once again because of Jing Qian's question.

He suddenly felt that he had been too short-sighted before this and was not able to see things thoroughly.

He also thought to himself that he should earn more money while he was still alive. He was afraid that even before he died, his wife would have used up all of his wealth.

"What's wrong? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"It's nothing. I just realized that you were right. I was being too narrow-minded."

When Jing Qian heard his response, she had a huge smile on her face.

"Right? You should have the temperament and arrogance of a 'boss.' We are earning all these fortunes so we can use them. We're not earning money just because we want our fortune to get pregnant and make more babies."

Zhan Lichuan nodded his head in agreement, "You're right."

Jing Qian and Zhan Lichuan continued chatting for quite some time.

Everyone said that it was hard to communicate with him because he had a bad temper and he liked ignoring others. However, after spending some time with him, she felt that Zhan Lichuan was such a nice person! She could talk to him about anything and everything.

Other than the fact that he wouldn't be able to stand for the time being, this man was handsome, sexy, friendly, and extremely generous! He was the exact definition of a gentle tyrant.

Jing Qian suddenly realized that she had such a mean attitude when she was the 'boss' in her previous life. This was why so many people hated her and wanted her dead. Now that she was dead, many of them must be jumping for joy, right?

Zhan Lichuan noticed that Jing Qian had been staring at him while she was talking, but it felt as if she was looking through him and seeing someone else. As he recalled that this woman was willing to marry a quadriplegic like him because of that man, Zhan Lichuan felt unhappy.

This was the first time that he actually had a legal wife. Even if she didn't love him, there should still be loyalty between them. He wanted to ask if this investment would be used on Qin Yi, but in the end, he still managed to hold it in.

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