Chapter 183 : Gene Laboratory

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The prison was a place that kept criminals. Those who were kept here did not have human rights. For those who died, especially if they committed suicide, no one would really pity them. Two guards tied up the ends of the bedsheet with Lee Jiayin's body in the middle and carried her out of the room.

There was no pillow on her bed. Now that both her blanket and bed sheet were taken away, there was only a wooden board left. Di Ranle took a few steps back when she saw how Lee Jiayin had cut her wrist. Then, when the guards took her mother's body, she was still in shock. She only came back to her senses when her mother's body was no longer inside the room.


She cried, "How could you be so cruel? How could you leave me here alone? So what if grandpa and grandma are dead? You weren't the one who killed them. Why did you have to kill yourself?".

When the guards took away Lee Jiayin's body, they got the rest of them to gather outside for their morning exercise.

Di Ranle sat on the ground while feeling helpless, and she was crying so hard that she lost her breath. She was devastated.

Being stuck inside here was already frightening, but Lee Jiayin had always been trying to help her out no matter what it was. So, ever since they got in here, she only had to stay by her mother's side. The only problem that she had was the morning exercise.

Usually, when they had to work, Lee Jiayin would usually shoulder double the work. However, with her mother gone and her father dead, Di Ranle cried badly. She felt that her mother was being irresponsible. This was too much. How could her mother abandon her just to be with her grandparents? What was she going to do?

Di Ranle thought about death. But, she didn't have the courage to do so. She would rather stay alive. She didn't want to die. She wasn't involved in the murder or anyone. All she did was steal designs from another boy, and she would only be in jail for 2 years. She couldn't die now.

So, when the guards hit her with their batons, in order to get her to go for their morning exercise, she got up whilst she was busy crying. When she walked out of the room and got 15 minutes of free time after their morning exercise, she finally learned how cruel the world could be.

She also finally experienced how heartless Jinqian could be.

The leader among the prisoners was a huge woman who was 180cm tall. The woman pushed Di Ranle to a corner and asked if she knew what the consequences were for offending Jinqian. Then, Di Ranle got punched continuously by the tall, muscular woman.

Di Ranle had no idea how she went back to her room. She only remembered how she spat out blood and vomited. In the end, she was carried back into her room. By the time she regained consciousness, it was already late at night, and her body ached all over.

On the same day, she lost her father and her mother while being badly beaten. She got on her knees and cried for a chance to use the phone. When she finally got the chance, she called her brother, Di Yunmu. The other party answered her call, but when they heard her voice, her brother immediately hung up the call. When she dialed the number again, it was blocked.

Di Ranle did not get to appeal for her case, but she knew that no one would do so for her. Di Jinqian would definitely make her suffer. This meant that she would be in prison for 3 years. However, for these 3 years, she would wish that she was dead. She regretted everything that she had done because the cost of it was too much.

But, she only clearly knew what the price was for her plagiarism.

She knew what she did was merely an excuse for Country Z to start their revenge on Country B, but if she didn't start this, the royal family might still have a chance to survive peacefully. Before she went for the contest, she had always lived a happy life.

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