Chapter 42 : Zhan Lichuan falls sick

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When he finally saw the distorted expression on Mother Jing's face, Zhan Lichuan continued on, "Therefore, please rest assured. If Jing Qian isn't able to fulfill this obligation, the Zhan family would definitely be responsible for caring for your basic needs. We would even get a psychologist to care for your mental health. At the same time, we would also provide a maid for the both of you, to help with taking care of your daily needs.

"Other than that, the Zhan family has already helped the Jing family, back when your business was about to fail. Wouldn't that be enough? We're grown adults and these are clauses that are clearly written in the contract, signed with a lawyer present. Before making a scene with these wild emotions, I think it would be best for the two of you to first read through the contract.

"As for Qianqian...

"No one said anything about her not being your daughter. She is still your daughter, but she isn't a chip for you to trade with the Zhan family. Whatever she has belongs to her. If she is willing to share it with you, that's out of love for her family, but if she refuses to do so, no one will entertain this nonsense, even if you sue her in court. When you are asking for things from her, you should at least reflect... Have you actually given her anything?"

Zhan Lichuan carefully listed it down, and even Mother Jing, who was as stubborn as a cow, couldn't say anything to defend herself against him

As for Zhe Yan and Yun Zhou, who were behind him the entire time, they were shocked. Even during their board meetings, the Chairman had never said so many things for a single matter.

The only time the Chairman spoke up was when the matter had too many opinions surrounding it, and the arguments weren't coming to an end. Their Young Master was an expert in keeping things short.

However, while facing the Jing couple, he was being extremely patient.

It looked like...

The Young Master has really fallen for the Young Mistress.

Seeing how Father and Mother Jing remained silent, Zhan Lichuan turned around, looked at Jing Qian, and spoke to her in a gentle tone.

"Let's go."


Jing Qian was already protected by Zhan Lichuan, which was why she obediently replied to him.

Then after following behind him, she realized that there was an awful look on his face. It had turned ghastly pale.

As she breathed in the cold, humid air, she finally realized why.

The temperature today was extremely low, and since it was winter, some cities were getting snow today. It may not be snowing in H City, but the temperature outside was only 2-3 degrees, with Zhan Lichuan only dressed in a sweater.

Although Zhe Yan and Yun Zhou had already provided him with a blanket, worried that he may catch a cold, he only used it to cover his legs.

The cold weather outside could easily increase one's blood pressure, which was why most hypertension patients fell sick easily during the winter. Zhan Lichuan may not be hypertensive, but his inner circulation had been destroyed and the cold weather outside would make it worse, causing his intra-abdominal pressure to increase.

All the blood in his body would rush towards his heart, causing an increase in workload for his heart. With a past history of heart attacks, mainly the one that had gotten him admitted, Jing Qian assumed that he was getting another attack.

Considering that Zhan Lichuan's face was as white as a piece of paper, with no blood in it, he was still sitting upright in his seat, calm and noble, with no reduction in his coercion. Was this all just to stand up for her?

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