~how to disAppeAr~

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"Scarlett wake up!" I felt Emily moving me hardly. "everything okay?" was the first thing I said. I looked around. Everyone was here but Alison. Just like Aria could read my thoughts she said "Alison is gone". I just looked with a blank stare. "Gone? What do you mean she is gone?" I questioned. "She is not here" Hannah said.

We looked the whole night for her. She was nowhere. We went to the police. She was just with us in the barn. This makes no sense. "Where could she have went?" Spencer asked. I sat in the chair waiting for the police to question us. I sat up. "You know Alison and how mysterious she tried to be. She is going to show up like nothing even happened" I added.


"Scarlett! Scarlett!" My father is yelling downstairs. "What!" I shouted. I hear a group of feet running upstairs. They stop at the door that bust open. "What the hell what if I was naked?" I yelled. My brother and mother were beside him. "Well you are not! What the hell is this Scarlett?" My father held up a pink bag that I had weed in. I had it hidden in my school bag.

"Did you really go through my stuff?" I was beyond pissed. "Scarlett why are you doing this to yourself?" My father questioned. I threw my body in my chair. "Scarlett, we care about you and we want you to trust us. We just need answers. Why are you smoking pot?" My mother asked.

I laughed. "Yeah because the best way to trust you is with you going through my stuff right? Honestly I could be doing coke or popping pills. it's not mine anyways" I told them. "It leads to other stuff!" "Thats only if you let it. You make the choice to try harder stuff not the drug." I explained.

"Scarlett what happened to you? You changed and I am horribly worried" My mother questioned. I have changed. Change is good. "If you have been through what I have would you stay the same nice quiet innocent girl?" I questioned. "Scarlett can you stop being such a stuck up cunt for five fucking minutes to see what you are doing to the people who love you! You are such a brat!" "Clay!".

I stood up. I looked into my older brother's eyes. "Maybe you should mind your own business Clay." I said low. "Or what Scarlett?" I smiled. "Me smoking weed is a issue that is not even mine, but your own son likes to go to parties every Saturday night and do coke, Not talking about the soda either. Also do you know how many girls he had sex with who had to go get abortions?" I aired it out.

He looked so pissed off. I wanted to laugh in his face. "Clay is this true?" My father asked. Clay tightened his jaw. "You are such a bitch Scarlett!" "Takes one to know one!" I walked passed him and down the stairs.

I walked outside and walked down the street until I was able to stop and catch my breath. I felt like my chest was getting tight. I had tears coming down my face. I wiped them away. I seen newspaper of how Alison was still missing. Today marks one year.

I went shopping. More like shop scamming. Basically, I find me a nice older guy in the mall and if I talk to them long enough, they will buy me things. Before I leave I ask for their numbers and never text them again. It's honestly so much fun.

I got home and everyone was gone. Probably taking Clay for a drug test. For some reason a small part of me feels bad for saying everything but part of me doesn't feel bad. Maybe if he did not want to act like such a dickhead I would have kept a little secret. That's the thing with Secrets, It's like gravity. What goes up must come down.

I walked into my room and lifted the piece of carpet that I pulled up to make a hiding spot. I grabbed my weed and smoked. It was peaceful after. I went to sleep like a baby.

I woke up the next morning for school. I took a shower and did my morning stuff. I did my makeup and hair. I put on a black skintight skirt and a little cropped black bra let shirt with a old big biker jacket on top. I put on some heels. I kept my same 7 rings on that I wear all the time.

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