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I rotted in my bed that night. I thought a lot. About Jason words. He was right. I need to let him go. It's just he is my first love. That is not a easy person to let go. Was it easy for him to let me go? Was I even his first love?

It was 2am when I heard the front door open. It spooked me. I grabbed a bat and slowly walked down the stairs. "Clay?" I questioned it was silent. Is this A? My breath hitched. I walked to the kitchen where the noise was. I seen a figure looking out the window. "I have a gun and I am not scared to use it!" I yelled. "When did you get a gun?" "Clay you scared me!" I turned the light on and put the bat down.

He looked normal just some eye bags. "Wow you look like shit" He told me. I rolled my eyes. "Where were you even?" He chuckled. "I was with this girl" My lips went thin "Figures" "What does that mean?" "Nothing really I am just running my mouth" "Figures" I looked at him.

"What does that mean?" "nothing princess. Jason texted me earlier. Said he talked to you?" I sighed. "Yeah I talked to him but he also told me that you told him I found someone else?" "You did you found Justin" "that is not your place to tell him Clay!"

He rolled his eyes. "I do not understand why you are mad, he asked if you found someone and I told him him yes what's the problem?" " the problem is that you can not see the problem Clay. If I wanted Jason to know about me and Justin I would have told him myself."

I grabbed a water bottle out the fridge. "Are you not interested in Justin?" I looked at clay. "What?" "Are you leading Justin on? Honestly Scarlett if you are then that is so fucked up!" "I am not leading him on! Do you not understand what it is like with you first love? It's hard to just move past them"

He chuckled " first love. You call him your first love but you are just another girl to him Scarlett. Justin cares about you.. Jason just wanted to do one thing. You won the day you got rid of him" I was surprised.

"How do you know that?" "I'm a boy scar. He was my best friend at one point you know. I knew his intentions on other girls so what makes you different?"

I smirked "what makes me different? Well for starters it takes a lot more than a few drinks and some weed to fuck me. I can not even believe you would even tell me that!" "Did you want me to let you keep living in your little delusional fantasy world?"

"Yes actually it would have been nice" he sighed. "You need to go to sleep you got school in the morning. We can talk about this other time" I didn't say anything. I went to my room.

Why do I let this stupid guy stuff get to me. I went so long without guy attention and then Jason comes along and it's like I can not even live without it now. What's happening to me?

I woke up and showered. I wore baggy clothes. Hannah is going to hate this. Clay drove me to school. "Thanks" I spoke as I got out. "No worries" I was walking up the stars and he was just sitting there. He was smiling as all the kids went by.

"Weirdo" I mumbled as I walked back over there. "What's wrong?" I questioned him. "Nothing just reminiscing." "At the school parking lot?" "Yeah all these good memories" I looked around.

"Okay bud maybe go like to the house and look at the year books this is creepy!" "Oh! Good idea Scarlett. Bye" "bye" he drove off. "Fucking weirdo"

School was pretty lame. I was just trying to get through my classes. The bell rung and I hurried out. "Scarlett!" My teacher called. Well I tried to hurry out. "Yes" I spoke back.

"Can you come here a moment?" Sliding my feet across the floor to get to her was the best option. I raised my eyebrows when I got to her.

"I have noticed you have been slacking off. You were one of my A+ students. What happened, is everything okay at home?" I hate when the teachers try to get into my business. "Yeah I am great!" I told her.

"Well I am going to give your parents a call and talk to them. I just want you to be okay and lately I have not noticed that" I huffed. "How would you feel if you just found out your best friend is dead? Or if.. never mind just call my parents" I explained to her.

"No please explain" I just looked at her. "I want to be here to help you Scarlett" "you're not my therapist. I'll be fine. Thanks for showing your concern but I only have 4 minutes in between classes and now it's about 2 so i will be going"

I walked in the hallway. "Scar!" I heard someone. It was Emily. "Hey Em" "hey!" "You seem bubbly. What's going on?" "My dad is coming home" I smiled. "That's great I'm happy for you!" "Thank you!" "Of course"

My teacher did in fact call my parents. She told them I've been slacking and she could clearly tell I had some mental problems going on, Whatever that means.

Clay was gone when I got home. He left of a mess though. I cleaned up after him and just went to bed. That was until I got a email.

"To Scarlett Mason,
You are incredible in the sport you do. We are really impressed by your skill. Sadly you are not good enough to make it to the battles. This does not mean give up! It means we see your progress and potential. Try harder and we can not wait to see you up here one day!

-rosewood fencing team forward this message"

My heart was crushed. I did not make the team? I tried so hard and practiced and beat all of my team mates. How is this even possible?

My phone dinged.

"To bad looks are not one of the ways in. Good luck next time bitch. Xo - A"

Fucking A. Did they have something to do with this? I would not doubt it. I called Spencer.

"Hello?" "Spencer" "Yes?" "I think A did something to mess up with my going to county with fencing" "maybe talk to your coach tomorrow and ask him about it. "Thanks I will" "hey have you started writing your speech for Alison?" "No... I think I might just raw dog it honestly. Have you?" "I tried but it's hard" "I understand. You got this tho Spencer. I believe in you!" "Thank you. I will talk to you later and talk to your coach" "I will do. Bye!"

If A did mess with my letter then coach should be able to fix it right... right?

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