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The day for Alison's memorial was here. I felt the same pain again. Clay drove us there. I was pulling on the seems of my dress. I sat next to Spencer. She was the first to do the speech.

She walked up and looked around. She looked scared. She looked at us and back to the corner with our eyes following. "Ian" me and Aria said. "Wait Melissa Ian?" Hannah wondered. "That's weird" I told them.

All of the girls went and then it was my turn. I walked on the little stage. I felt the spotlight and I would have liked that but this type of light made me itchy and hot. Everyone's eyes were on me and not the way I like. It was more of a way "finish your story and let us leave" feeling.

Jenna and Jason were next to each other. That made my brain hazy not knowing what she was going to say. We found out Alison told Jason Spencer did the whole night we do not talk about.

I had no idea where to start, so I just stared talking. " we are all here for Alison. She would love all the attention she is getting. I bet she would be smiling and she had a beautiful smile, she was beautiful. We are here to make this memorial not just for Alison but so people can know about her." I paused as I felt angry.

"So people know that we have an evil person here in rosewood. That not everything that glitters is glam. She was just a kid. No one this young should ever have to have a memorial dedicated to them. We were all girls together. We did makeup, hair, gossip, and kept secrets. I am glad Alison was my first friend here and I would never change that for anything. If you ever learned one thing from Alison then you know that it is to live your life no matter how bad, messy, good, happy, sad it is. Live it to the end " I looked down and sat down. Spencer grabbed my hand and smiled at me .

Jason helped Jenna up. She actually did not say anything bad. In a way she was kind of boosting Alison?

I went home after the whole thing. Me and Clay stopped and got some food. "You have a good way with words" he spoke. "I was mumbling and pulling things off the top of my head" I in fact was terrible. "You could have fooled me. It was good" "well thanks"

I opened my fries and Clay reached over and took one. "Hey! Eat your own!" He chuckled.

Once we pulled in the drive way I got a call from Emily. "Hey Ems" "come to Spencer's house now" "okay I'm coming" I told her. "Can I use your car to go to Spencer's?" "Yeah is everything okay?" "Girl stuff" "here we go with the secret stuff just like you guys used to" "oh hush" I got in the drivers seat and ate my food as I drove.

Basically the police had Alison's bracelet and we came to the conclusion that A placed a copy of one in the woods were we could find it.

The next day was spent me studying for the test with Hannah, Aria and Spencer. And then the next day was the test that had to worst weather. I worse a black mini skirt and a corset top.

I walked into school. The rain was so bad. I was looking for the girls. "To Alison Delaurentis's memorial and destroy it" I overheard. I ran over there. "Wait do you know who did it?" I questioned. "no but we are working on it" "Way to get them winded up before a important test" Spencer's mom said. 

"Right. Good luck girls" Why would someone do this? There was no need for someone to do this.. Unless they were the killer or A. "We should head to the library" Spencer announced. "Add this to the list of problems" I mumbled. "Right it is the last thing we need" Aria added. 

We got to the library. "Do you want to sit with us?" Spencer asked me as I walked to the other side. "I need to be alone or I will fail this test!" I told them and threw myself down. I looked up and seen Wilden walking to them. I ran over and sat next to Hannah. "whoa!" She mentioned as I was practically on top of her. 

"I am so stressed for this test!" I did my fake voice with a smile. "Sorry about the memorial, I know how hard you girls worked on it. Shocking though, right, Something like that could happen out in the open and nobody saw anything?" Wilden was edging it on. "well everyone here was probably studying" Spencer spoke. 

"Yeah because we have such an important test today and here you are just talking and making us get distracted by this horrible memory!" I added. He looked down at me. "So you were all studying together last night then?" "Yes, we were all at Spencer's." Emily butted in. She was not at Spencer's.  "All of you?" He asked. 

"Yes, all of us!" Aria told him. "Studying for the test we are about to take.. You know the one you are interrupting!" I told him. "Scarlett you are just a ray of sunshine" He told me. I laughed "So are you Wilden!" He nodded his head and walked away. 

"Emily what is going on?" Spencer questioned her. "Where were you last night?" Aria asked. "I told you I went home!" "Then why didn't you tell him that?" Spen asked. "What happened to all of us sticking together?" She questioned. "Emily it is just suspicious you were the only one not there last night and the memorial is destroyed!" I explained. 

"So you are blaming me?" "No! I just think you might know someone who might have done it!" "Well I don't Scarlett!" She stood up. "Where are you going?" Aria wondered. "To the restroom, But if you don't believe me we can all try to squeeze into one stall!" She walked away. 

"Should one of us go talk to her?" Aria questioned. "No she will talk to us when she is ready" Hannah answered. "have you guys seen the mud on her shoes? I was not trying to blame her I was just telling her how it was weird. Am I the only one who thinks its strange?" I really did not mean to upset her so badly. 

"No it is weird" They agreed. I was back in my books. Hannah tapped my arm and I looked up. Spencer had her phone pointed at us. "Define "Desertion." Seems like you're about to lose Emily. Who's next? - A" 

We all looked around. That's strange. What does A mean by that? 

It turns out we are not having our test today but we are under a tornado warning so we need to stay in the school. I walked to look for some books to read. My phone buzzed. It was a call. 

"Hello?" I answered. "Scarlett?" I knew the voice. "Justin?" I asked. "Hey!" "Hi" I smiled. "Are you busy?" "No I am stuck at school because we are under a tornado watch. Are you allowed to call people now?" "Yeah I get 3 10 minute phone calls a day. First I called Clay and now I called you. But if Clay asks can you say I only have two because I would like to talk to you before bed!" I laughed. "Yeah I can. How are you doing?" He sighed. 

"I am fine. I feel bad for these bad addicts though. They said I might be able to get out of this early since I have been so good" "Thats great!" "Yeah it is. I really miss you." "I really miss you too" We talked on the phone some more. "Everyone we need to move to the locker rooms where there are no windows!" The mentor called. "Justin I have to go we have to switch rooms because of the tornado but call me tonight alright?" "Okay be safe Scarlett. Bye" "Bye" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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