Damaged Hope

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I still remember one of the most stressful times in my life. It was during the summer, four weeks before my fourth year of Grade School began. Mom dropped a 10-year-old me at the Bakugou household. She had to do an important mission that would take about seven days or less. I wanted to stay at home by myself until mom came back, but she sternly refused no matter what I said. The Bakugou family already know that mom is a pro hero, but they didn't know that my dad is All Might. 

"Okay, Hikari, I'll be back as soon as I'm done." My mom said, putting her shoes back on. "I thought about reminding you again about what to do while you're staying here, but I trust that you're old enough to remember your skin care routine, brushing your teeth twice a day, and several other things."

"Yep!" A 10-year-old me nodded. "I already know everything I need to do even though I'm going to stay here for a week! You can just go and do your hero work without any worries."

"True. You are capable of not forgetting the usual. However..." Mom sternly looks at me. Then, she pulled both of my cheeks hard. "I don't want to hear Mitsuki and Masaru informing me that a possession of theirs was destroyed because of another physical fight between you and Katsuki! Can you also remember that, or did you forget what happened to my favorite mug?"

"Owowowowow!" I cried out. "Okay! Okay! I get it! Now, stop pulling my face! That hurts! Ow!"

Mom let go of me with a satisfied smile. I rubbed my cheeks to soothe the pain. For as long as I can remember, mom always pulls on my cheeks or one of my ears just to make sure I'll listen to her. I've always hated.

"Katsuki!" She calls out to my frenemy (this is before Katsuki and I acknowledged our feelings for each other), who's standing a few feet behind me with his parents. "Take good care of my daughter while I'm away."

Before 10-year-old Katsuki Bakugou could reply to mom, I spoke up.

"I don't need some guy to take care of me! Especially Kacchan!" I point at myself with a hand on my hip. "When I become a pro hero, I'm going to open my own Hero Agency, have tons of sidekicks work under me, save a lot of people, beat up every villain, and be rich and successful! I'll be better than All Might and become the world's greatest hero! So great, that I'll be remembered in the history books!" I point a finger at mom. "Gouge out your eyes and watch me!!"

"Okay~" Smirking, mom stands up while looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a hand on her hip. "But I can't watch you if my eyes are gouged out."

"J-Just leave!" My face turned bright red as so as I realized how dumb my last sentence sounded. 

Mom laughed at my embarrassment, making me refuse to hug her for making fun of me. Despite how upset I was with her, mom pulled me into her embrace and kissed my forehead. She then says goodbye to the Bakugou family as she walks out the front door. I had no idea back then, but... looking back, I think the mission she was going to was fighting All For One with dad.

"Hey, Himawari!" Kid Katsuki grabs little me's hand and leads me to his room. "Let's go play video games! If I win, you have to do whatever I say until your mom comes back!"

"I'm gonna make you regret that bet, Kacchan!" I snapped back. Long story short, I won, and Kacchan had to do whatever I said until mom came back. However, it was going to take longer than expected.


 I stayed with Kacchan and his parents while mom was on her mission. Katsuki fulfilled his end of our bet, and doing whatever I asked him to do made my stay all the more fun. I was doing fine... until I had that dream last night. I didn't remember it then because it was six years ago and I wanted to forget it. I was in this black realm. I couldn't speak, and I couldn't move from the spot I stood on. Then I  saw my parents, surrounded by rubble, fighting a white-haired man wearing a white suit. My parents had several injuries on their bodies, but they were still fought despite them. At first, my parents struggled against the man, but mom used her Quirk to push the villain back. Then, the man smiled eerily at my parents.

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