First Kiss

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Katsuki Bakugou's POV

This happened before our first day at UA High School, and before Hikari and I started dating. I was in my room, feeling on top of the world after receiving my acceptance letter from UA, when I heard a knock at my bedroom window. At first, I ignored it, but the damn knocking wouldn't stop. I swear, I wanted to kill the idiot for not using the door and choosing to bother me like this! I put my acceptance letter away and walked over to my window. Through the window, I gave the smiling red-haired culprit an annoyed look. The mere site of her made my heart skip a beat and I hated it. There was no ladder, so Hikari obviously used her flames to fly up here. I opened the window and she flew into my room. She tripped and fell to her knees when she tried to land, though. She hadn't done that since Grade School, and she had a pretty good reason for doing it at that moment.

"What the hell, Hikari!?" I yelled at her. "Can't you use the damn door?!"

She giggled something under her breath.

"Speak up, dammit!!"

"Haha. Sorry, it's just..." She looked up at me with a stupid smile on her face. "I couldn't wait to tell you that I got into UA!!"

With that said, she got back to her feet and hugged me. I felt my face burn and I pulled her away from me. The news didn't really surprise me. To be honest, I've always known Hikari would get into UA and get one of the highest scores in the Entrance Exam. I wasn't gonna tell her that, though, yet. She was failing math at first, but that was only because she was occupying herself with learning other skills necessary to be a pro hero and didn't leave enough room to study math.

"Katsuki, are you okay?" Hikari pressed a hand to my temple, making my face redder. "Your face is all red."

"N-no, it's not!!" I smacked her hand away. "I'm fine! Anyway, why are you here!? Did you barge into my room through my damn window just to tell me that? Why the hell couldn't this wait until tomorrow morning?  And why the fuck didn't you use the damn door!?"

"First of all, I didn't barge into your room. I knocked on the window and you opened it to let me in. Second of all, I was too excited to wait until tomorrow to tell you. And as for the part where I came in through your bedroom window... well, it looked like the quickest way to see you and tell you the good news."

"And what about that Shitty nerd? You didn't want him to be the first to know because you wanted spare his feelings?"

"That's not it! I didn't go to his apartment to tell him because you you were closer!"

Why the hell did she really show up now to tell me specifically? She didn't even go through my front door and tell my parents on the way up here.

"Why did you really want to say it to my face? You could've called me or texted me."

She didn't answer.

"And you could've contacted Deku first and told him straight away that you got in. Aren't you two dating?"

"WE ARE NOT!!! You're the one who told me to make it to the top five, and I did! The reason why I came to you is because... besides D- Izuku, you believed in me! I wanted to see your reaction when I tell you first! I know you're mostly proud of your own accomplishments, but aren't you ecstatic that I got in!? Aren't you the least bit proud that I made it to UA!?"

"Of course I am!" I blurted out. "Hell! I'm not even the least bit surprised you made it! You're an unpredictable, stubborn idiot who works hard and doesn't give up on anything! Even before the UA Entrance Exam started, I expected you to pass! You're the only girl I give a damn about cause--!"

Before I could run my mouth any more than I already have, Hikari pressed her lips into mine. My body went stiff and my eyes widened as she kissed me softly. Hikari then immediately stopped and backed away after a few seconds that felt like minutes. Her face flushed and she started to apologize for kissing me out of the blue like that, but I stopped listening. My heart raced, my body felt hot, and at that moment... my body moved on its own. I grabbed Hikari by the waist and pulled her in for another kiss, shutting her up the same way she shut me up. She pulled away for air for a brief moment before I placed my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her back in. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed back. She tasted so sweet. I wanted to kiss her so hard that she looses her breath, that she can only taste me on her lips and tongue. 

"Katsuki!" The old hag barked as she and my old man barged into my room. "You damn brat, why the hell--"

She stopped as soon as she saw what me and Hikari were doing. The two of us pulled away and looked at my parents like a deer in headlights. Feeling utterly embarrassed, Hikari quickly said goodbye to me and my parents and left my house. This time, through the doors like a sane person.

"Me and your father know that you and Hikari are at that age, but you're not allowed to close your bedroom door if you're going to have Hikari over."

"Shut up! We weren't doing anything, you old hag!" I yelled.

"Don't give me that! And while you're at it, don't go making us grandparents this early on!!"

"Get your mind out of the gutter!!"

The next day, Hikari told me that it was her first kiss, too. After that kiss, and since Hikari and I were going to be in UA together, I couldn't ignore my feelings for her anymore. However, I didn't tell her how I felt until the day we did the combat training on our second day as UA students. 

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