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"He said I was beautiful." Aurora says as she puts on a maroon halter top, trying to tie the back together. "And what did you say?" MJ questions as she braids small strands of her hair. "I fucked it all up." Aurora says, giving up on tying her top, simply putting her head in her hands.

"Aura, I'm sure you're fine." MJ says as she runs a hand through her friend's hair. "I really miss him." Aurora says softly, MJ shushing her quietly. "How about we forget about boy troubles and just party the night away huh?" MJ questions, Aurora nodding. "There we go." MJ says as she helps her friend up.

When both girls walked downstairs, Aurora immediately saw Nicole, Marisa, and Dana. "Oh my god!" Marisa exclaims as she sees Aurora, the debutante girls squealing happily as she hugged each other. 

"I've missed you so much." Aurora says to Nicole, hugging her close, Nicole grinning. "I saw you yesterday." The girl says, Aurora rolling her eyes. "And? I missed you." Aurora says as they all laugh. 

"Aurora!" Conrad exclaims, this caused the small group of girls to turn to him. "Come here." He says, Aurora walking over while excusing herself. "Come take a picture." Conrad says as he holds a hand out, the girl laughing as she walked over, allowing the boy to wrap an arm around her.

Aurora grinned at the camera, not noticing Conrad staring right at her as the camera's flash went off. "I'll see you later." Aurora says as she walks off, smiling happily as she waved at familiar faces, dancing lightly to the music blaring over the speakers.

"Aurora!" Taylor shouts, calling her over where she, MJ, Belly, Conrad, Steven, and Jeremiah were standing. "Group shots!" Belly exclaims causing Aurora to chuckle. "If that's gin, I'm killing you." Aurora says, glaring playfully.

"Aw, it's tequila, come on." Belly says as she hands her a glass. "Okay, cups up. Listen, no matter how much time passes or how far apart we are, we're always gonna love you guys, okay?" Jeremiah says, Aurora grinning.

"All right?" Jeremiah questions. "All right." The small group exclaims as Taylor coos at the boy. "All right, to the last night!" Jeremiah exclaims. "To the last night!" They all exclaim as they down their shots, Aurora cheering happily as she hugged her friend, MJ giggling wildly.

Aurora's clothes had long been forgotten, she was sitting by the edge of the pool, a beer in her hands as she watched MJ talk to some guy. "They're fighting!" Some random guy shouts, this made Aurora stand up, rushing inside.

When she got there she saw some guy with a blonde buzzcut and Steven wrestling around. Her eyes widened as Conrad and Jeremiah pulled Steven off of the blonde. "Get off me, get off me!" Steven exclaims as he glares at the blonde.

"Come on." The blonde says, readying himself into a fighting position. Aurora took notice of MJ standing there, her brows raised as the blonde tried to kick Steven, the red head covering her eyes. "Milo, stop!" Taylor exclaims.

The music stopped suddenly, this made everyone in the room pause. "You're embarrassing me right now." Taylor says, this made the blonde boy scoff. "Man, fuck this. Come on, Taylor, let's go. These people are too pedestrian for us anyways." Milo scoffs out.

"These people are my friends. Do you even know me? Like, at all?" Taylor questions, this made Aurora's heart hurt for her. "Babe, what are you talking about? You're my girl." Milo says confused, his brows raised.

"What's my middle name?" Taylor questions, this made everyone stare at the boy, he didn't have an answer. "Yeah, I can't do this anymore. It's over." Taylor says as she storms off, not looking back. "Taylor..." Steven says, his eyes softening as he looked at the girl, but glaring at the blonde boy. "It's Madison. Her middle name is Madison." Steven says as he walks off, following behind Taylor.

When Aurora walked outside that night, she was looking for Conrad, but what she heard devastated her. "When things aren't perfect, instead of trying to fix it, he just decides to throw it away. And it-it's not just the house. You did it to Belly, too." Jeremiah starts, Aurora looking over and seeing Belly, Skye, Conrad, and Jeremiah.

"You came to me, you fucking begged me for my blessing to be with her." Jeremiah says, this made Aurora's heart drop, her tears becoming glassy. She didn't want to hear any more, she walked towards the beach, sitting in the sand letting her feet touch the water. 

Eventually she stood up and walked closer to the water, letting the tears flow from her eyes. All the flirting, all the comments, yet he still wanted Belly. She missed him, hell she could even say she was falling back in love with him. But she would never be the first choice for him.

"Aurora, come back inside. I'm not dragging your dead body out of the ocean if you drown out there." Conrad comments as he sees the girl inching closer and closer to the water. "Come out of the water, Aurora." Conrad says.

"Leave me alone!" Aurora shouts, her voice wavering as she tried to hold back her tears. "I can't." Conrad says as he picks her up, throwing her over his shoulder. Aurora shouted in protest, pushing herself off of him resulting in her landing on the sand.

"Come on. Let me help you. Come on." Conrad coaxes as he holds out his hand, but Aurora harshly slapped it away. "J-Just go, okay?" Aurora exclaims as she stands up, sniffling as she wiped her eyes. "I'm not leaving you, Aurora." Conrad exclaims back.

"But you already did." Aurora says, revealing her puffy eyes and tear stained face. Conrad's heart dropped at the sight of her. "I heard what Jeremiah said, about you and Belly. If I had known that you still cared about her." Aurora cuts herself off with a cry, holding her hands on her forehead as she looked around.

"Fuck, I wouldn't have fallen for you all over again!" Aurora exclaimed, looking right at Conrad. "You were there?" Conrad questions, his eyes becoming glassy. "Of course I was there. I heard it all." Aurora says as she wipes more tears from her face. 

"I didn't like her like I loved you." Conrad says, his voice breaking. "Then why did you throw it all away? Why?" Aurora questions, shoving Conrad back, holding herself immediately after. "I... I th...I thought that we loved each other." Aurora says.

"We did. I still love you Aurora." Conrad says, this made Aurora look down, then finally up at him. "I guess not enough." Aurora says, yanking off the infinity necklace she kept on her, shoving it into his hands. "You can forget about your promise." Aurora says as she walks up the beach, into the house, and hiding out in the room.

She lied in the sleeping bag, allowing herself some time to cry. She had nobody on her side, no mother, father, mother figure, and now the boy she loved the most was gone. Aurora should have known. It was all too good to be true.

That night and into the later hours of the morning, she resided in the room until she heard a knock at her door. When she stood up and opened the door, she was engulfed into a hug by Laurel. Aurora's eyes widened, but she hugged the woman back.

"I know you need someone right now, so I'll be here for anything." Laurel says, this made Aurora break down in tears once again, holding Laurel closer as the woman hugged her. "Thank you." Aurora says softly. 

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