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After being told what the next activity was, MJ and Conrad stood outside by the shoot your shot game. "So, you two are close right?" Conrad questions as he throws a ball, making the basket. 

"I guess you could say that." She says with a shrug, the boy throwing yet another ball. "Does she ever...talk about me?" Conrad questions, MJ turning to him. "All the time, but listen, I don't care how many times she's talked about you Concrete, I'll still beat your ass for what you did to her." MJ says, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Conrad threw yet another ball, staring at the rainbow monkey that waited patiently to be won, and Conrad was going to be that winner. "Noted." Conrad says as he throws the fourth one, then the fifth. "Which prize?" The woman running the game questions, Conrad pointing out the rainbow monkey.

Aurora laughed with Belly and Taylor as MJ and Conrad walked back in. "Rory." Conrad says, tilting his head to the side, Aurora following, immediately seeing the rainbow monkey in his hands. "Conrad." Aurora says with a smile, holding the monkey close.

"So, I'm going to make a bet with Belly, if I lose can you please ride the tower of terror with me?" Conrad questions, her eyes widening. "Conrad, are you asking me to die?" Aurora questions, Conrad chuckling. "I would never." He says as they approach the dance game.

Jeremiah and Skye went up against each other, Aurora cheering Skye on as they were practically mopping the floor with Jeremiah. "Go Skye!" Aurora cheers happily. When Skye won, Taylor and Belly went to hug them, but they instantly protested.

"Sorry." Belly and Taylor say, Aurora offering a high five which Skye instantly responded to. "Where next?" Belly questioned, MJ grinning. "Follow me!" She exclaims, everyone following the red head outside and towards the race car track.

MJ and Aurora stood by the carts, deciding which one they liked. "Purple!" MJ exclaims as she rushes towards the cart, claiming it. Aurora chuckles as she sits in the green one, Conrad lining up next to her. "Ready to lose Rory?" Conrad questions, the girl smirking. "You don't even stand a chance Conrad." She says.

When given the okay, they all race off. Belly was in first, Aurora was in second, and Conrad was in third. But suddenly in their second lap, Conrad pulled in front of both Aurora and Belly, both of them protesting loudly. "Fuck!" Aurora whines, slowing to a stop.

That's how they ended up here, in the candy store. "Ooh." MJ says as she grabs herself a small bag of candy, Aurora and her other teammates paying for the large bag of candy for MJ and the boys. "You're getting better at go karts Rory, still don't want to drive with you though." Jeremiah says as he and the rest of their group walk over.

Aurora makes a face, smacking his arm. "Shut up Jere." Aurora says, a playful glare on her face. "It is time." Conrad says pointedly to Belly who looks fearful. "The Tower of Terror awaits." Conrad taunts, Steven laughing. "I'm gonna go get you a barf bag." Steven says as the group starts to leave the shop, heading towards the Tower of Terror.

"The key is just to not think about it." MJ shouts, her mouth full of candy as Jeremiah and Belly walk up the stairs and onto the ride. Everyone cheers the duo on as they get strapped in. Aurora cheers as the ride starts, MJ and her cheering them both on.

That night, Aurora fell asleep in the car, Conrad looking back on her every once in a while. When they made it to the house, everyone piled out while Conrad picked Aurora up. The girl stirred, but Conrad shushed lightly, the girl barely falling asleep until Jeremiah shouted. "What the fuck!" He exclaimed.

Aurora woke up, Conrad setting her down as she looked around. The walls weren't a light color, they were either a dark blue or dark pink. "No." Aurora says as MJ hugs her, the brunette looking around tearfully.

"Everything's gone." Jeremiah says, coming back from upstairs. "What the fuck, Julia?" Conrad exclaims as they all walk towards the kitchen where Julia just entered. "I'm sorry. This must be such a shock. I-I spoke to your father this afternoon, and-and he and I decided that it would be best not to drag this out any longer than necessary." Julia says, Aurora's eyes narrowing.

"I don't give a shit what the two of you decided on. You had no right to touch anything in this house. Those were her things." Conrad exclaims, venom in his tone. "Breathe, man. Okay?" Steven says. "Stop." Conrad says stiffly. 

"Everything's in storage. I made sure that everyone was very careful with every single thing. I'm just doing what I have to do to sell this house." Julia says, Aurora scoffing, stepping forward. "Oh, bullshit. You could have said something. You could have warned them." Aurora says, Julia's eyes narrowing towards the girl. "And who are you?" She questions.

"Aurora Brown." Aurora says simply, Julia's face dropping. She knew her mother, she knew about the girl's predicament, she knew Lorelei Brown. 

"All you want to do is fight our mom, constantly-" "Okay, enough." Julia exclaims, cutting Conrad off. "You're not the only one that's hurting here. And I'm not the one you should be angry with. Your mother could have warned you that this was gonna happen. She just wanted to make me the bad guy, as usual." Julia says as she throws away some trash, holding the bag in her hands.

"I'm so sorry that she was too busy dying to make your life a little easier. You know, it sucks that our grandfather loved her more than you, but I'm not surprised." Conrad says angrily, walking away. Aurora follows behind him as he walks out, Steven next to her.

The girl knew better than to try and stop him from what he was doing, her eyes soft. "Connie, come on-" "No." Conrad interrupts Steven as he calls his father. "Of course, Dad did nothing to stop her." Conrad says, holding the phone closer.

"Connie, what can he do?" Jeremiah questions. "Jere! He doesn't care about us!" Conrad exclaims loudly, Aurora looking down sadly. 

"And this asshole won't even pick up my... calls." Conrad exclaims frustrated, but when he turns and sees Skye his anger grows. "Did you know about this?" He questions, rushing over to Skye.  "Easy, Connie." Aurora says, her eyes wide. "I'm, no, I'm serious. I'm serious. Did you know about this?" Conrad questions.

"I-I didn't know anything, okay? I swear I would have told you." Skye says defensively. "Would you have? Really? Because we haven't seen each other in ten years. Would a day at the boardwalk have been enough to make you betray your mom?" Conrad questions, Skye looking down.

"Listen, I know we don't know each other very well, but I-I wouldn't have sideswiped you like this." Skye says as MJ takes out her keys, Aurora looking. "Aurora." Conrad says noticing the look the girl was giving her friend.

"Conrad, you and I both know that I shouldn't be here." She says softly, her eyes not meeting his. "But I need you here." Conrad says as he steps towards her, trying to get her to look at him, scanning her face. 

"I'm sorry." Aurora says as she walks with MJ, walking towards the red head's car. Aurora felt like a shitty person, but she knew that Conrad didn't need her. Belly was who he needed. She could see it as clear as day.

That night, MJ and Aurora spent the night with Nicole, the trio of friends forming which made Aurora smile. But the small spout of happiness faded the very next morning. It was short lived, but eventually that happiness would come once again.

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