1. Cursed

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C H A P T E R: O N E

Second book of The Alpha's Toy  2018 ©

Diana's POV

The hands of time herself have pulled on my hair endlessly causing a headache to form as I was kept in complete darkness. My own thoughts were driving me crazy. They kept running around an important realization that I could bring the edge but not spill out. It stood there at the tip of my tongue while I kept thinking of all the possibilities of what it could be. What had exactly happened before darkness consumed me?

An ancient entity entered my body so she wouldn't die in the previous body she possessed. In all the commotion Angelo died with our mate bond leaving a void in its wake where she settled herself in so she could have control over them. They both revived after sharing her vast magic and then did I realize it was her plan all along to get them killed.

A pulsing pain struck at my nerves behind closed lids causing me to groan out before forcing my eyes to pry open. They were so glued together that I could hear them tear open as direct sunlight intensified the pain that seemed to burn all over my body now. The darkness faded from my foggy mind as the light from reality struck down on me.

"She's awake," A deep voice shouted before the sound of footsteps grew closer to me. Looking up I saw two heads staring down at me. One man had midnight hair long enough to reach his perfectly shaped bushy eyebrows while the other had blonde hair messily pushed back with gel to showcase his handsome facial features. Angelo the one with stunning grey eyes broke a sigh of relief before caressing my cheek. For a second my mind forgot about the pain my body was in with that simple gesture of his.

"Do you remember what happened?" Benjamin questioned causing me to snap my head towards his direction and my vision blurred at the sudden movement. I remembered who he was as I took a closer glance. That slender nose, bright blue eyes the color of the bottom blue sea and those soft plump lip of his rang alarm bells in my mind.

"The entity went inside of me, that's all I remember," I answered back, noticing that my voice was hoarse due to dehydration. How long was I out? It seemed like only seconds that I was in the darkness. Benjamin handed me a cup of water in a fancy clear glass that I didn't recognize. It had intriguing designs on the rim of the cup. Angelo helped me sit up straighter on the bed by fluffing up the pillows before laying them lower on my back.

"You passed out a little after that, it looked like you wanted to say something," Angelo said looking directly into my eyes as if trying to read my mind when it was blank. Those grey eyes of his up-close effortlessly took away my breath for a second. You could spot specks of blue on his eyes that certainly weren't there before. I had to blink many times out to break myself free of his gaze.

"I... don't remember much about what happened before I passed out," I muttered to myself making him clench his jaw in response.

"Give her some space to breathe!" Someone said pushing the men away from the bed by smacking them playfully on the arm. An older lady in her fifties stepped up to my bedside. Long gray hair was swept back into a low ponytail with soft bangs covering her forehead. Those sparkling blue eyes of her looked so familiar.

"Hello, we have only met when you were unconscious. It's been two nights since you've been sleeping. I am Benjamin's mother, Kia." Her delicate fingers touched my forehead feeling the fever that was overtaking my body at the moment. My body on the outside was cold while my insides were burning up. "Damian, you should come to check her now."

An older man with equally gray hair came into view with dark brown eyes fixated on a book with a leather casing. It was worn down on the edges and his fingers were resting on the top of the page folding it down so he could remember his spot for later. Snapping the book closed I watched Damian slowly step towards me. The way he looked at me with his rugged face features set in a hard stone while assessing me meant I was a threat rather than a guest.

I had an evil ancient entity inside of me so he had the right to label me as one.

"How are you feeling?" He questioned.

"I have a fever and headache but I'm feeling okay," I said setting the glass cup on the side table as he wrote it down, pulling a pen from thin air. I forgot he was a witch until just then. Benjamin's father was a human witch and his mother was a werewolf. Two mated souls fought against all odds to be together and have Benjamin.

"Has she awakened yet?" He questioned making me scrunch up my eyebrows in response.

"You mean the entity?" I asked glancing at Angelo who was standing against the wall in the far back with his arms crossed. In the shadows, darkness clung all around him as he silently watched from afar. Witch magic was uncharted territory to him.

"Yes, she is inside your body at the moment," Damian said the closing distance between himself and the bed. "She chose you because of the magic you personally have. Before with Angelo, when you were mates, you could heal others but now it's only to heal yourself."

"She might be content with that right now, but she will start to get hungry for more soon." He finished worriedly.

"More of what?" Angelo questioned unlocking his arms and walking closer, those grey eyes were alight with anger as he looked directly at Benjamin who was hovering my left side. Those hands of his were pushing back his long sleeves and fidgeting with a new ring on his finger. Last I remember, Benjamin disposed of one in the fight to combat the undead werewolves possessed by black magic. Magic, especially dark magic can be channeled into which means it will stay there until you can get rid of it in an explosion of darkness that can suck in everything with no return. If left alone it becomes a dark entity hungry for more power. In this case, the entity inside of me wants to create chaos in my life.

"More power to please herself," Damian finished looking straight into my eyes like she was looking at someone else inside of them. "I've heard haunting stories about this entity, she has been on this world for centuries."

Angelo was my mate until the moment that the entity went inside of me. After that my connection with him was no longer as vivid as before since he came back from the dead. Images of his wounded body laying on the ground lifeless surrounded by blood flashed before my eyes. A painful reminder of what happened came back as a brief but painful recollection.

"Are you alright?" Benjamin questioned laying a hand on my arm causing Angelo to narrow his eyes at the skin contact. Glancing to my left I saw Benjamin give me a small smile which comforted me in some way. He could help in this situation since he did, after all, know more about magic than I do.

Nodding my head at Benjamin that I was fine, he stepped back to give me some space. He looked away from my eyes as if not wanting to give me the bad news before blurting out, "James, your brother, is missing."

I swallowed down the news like another big pill that didn't want to make its way down. There was no way I wasn't going to look for him since rouges are not going to stop me this time. For being my crazy stupid brother, he had another thing coming if he thinks he can fake his death twice.

"I want search parties looking for him," I said glancing at Angelo who was already nodding his dark head at me.

"Already done." He said before saying, "Also you may want to look into a mirror."

"Why? I have something on my face?" I questioned instinctively touching my cheek confused.

"It's not that," Benjamin said while slowly handing me a mirror-like I would break it by looking into it. I was not that ugly, jeez.

A gasp left my lips when I saw all the melatonin form my hair and eyes were gone. I was not longer brunette but it was stripped away to a light blonde with hazel eyes. It was a really drastic change that I couldn't recognize myself so I had to bring the mirror up close.

Now it the headache made sense, this was her doing. The feeling of having my hair pulled long enough to cause a headache was because of this transformation.

"In magic terms, you've been cursed."

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